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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 8, 2012
I have about 10 pages of numbers in Pages and I want to add all of them up quickly instead of getting the calculator out and doing them one at a time. It looks like this:

Screenshot 2018-12-13 at 13.43.33.png

Any way to do it? This is the way the docs were given to me and I can't go back and ask them to input all the data into Excel unfortunately!
Yes, you can do that in Pages.

Create a table in that Pages document and cut-n-paste that text into the table. Add a new row at the bottom and in the cell at the bottom of the price column, start typing: =sum and then you can select the cells above and it will automatically calculate the sum.
Doing the above may paste everything into a single column. In Excel, you can paste everything and then use the Text to Column function under Data to get everything into its own column. Then use the Sum function. I don't know if there is a Text to Column function in a Pages table.
I agree with dangerfish. I don’t think you can easily do that in Pages. Excel makes it easy. It’s also easy in Word because you can select column of text by holding the option key.

Since the text file looks well formatted, try exporting it to a plain text file and then open that in Numbers. It will populate a table and you can do the math there.
No idea how to paste just the row, I'll try chabig's suggestion and report back!
I agree with dangerfish. I don’t think you can easily do that in Pages. Excel makes it easy. It’s also easy in Word because you can select column of text by holding the option key.

Since the text file looks well formatted, try exporting it to a plain text file and then open that in Numbers. It will populate a table and you can do the math there.
You don't need to use Numbers.

Assuming that the text is separated by tabs, open TextEdit, copy and paste the text there. Then copy that text and paste it into the table that I suggested creating in the original Pages document. it will be placed correctly in columns.
Thanks but that just seems to paste everything into one column and I get an error sign when trying to =sum it :D
Assuming that the text is separated by tabs, open TextEdit, copy and paste the text there. Then copy that text and paste it into the table that I suggested creating in the original Pages document.
Good call! Text edit supports column selection with the option key.
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