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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 13, 2007
I left my ipad at home and one of my friends had access for about an hour. I know he was logged into my gmail and mint accounts because I saw it in the history but safari does not keep good history. When I access the same site it removed it from the history list. Is there any way to extract this data somehow?

Just snooping around I guess. Gmail doesn't tell you what messages were accesed it just says gmail so theres no way for me to check.
yeah i had a pass-code but only activates after 4 hours.

what would you guys do in this situation?
when i got home and back to my ipad i saw he logged into my but didnt go into details, just the overview page. he also logged into my gmail and snooped around when i got back he was on a email that was like 10 months old, don't know how he got there.

im thinking of not saying anything to him but just cutting him off, or should i confront him what do you guys think?

i guess lesson learned the hard way, don't autofill on ipad
yeah i had a pass-code but only activates after 4 hours.

what would you guys do in this situation?
when i got home and back to my ipad i saw he logged into my but didnt go into details, just the overview page. he also logged into my gmail and snooped around when i got back he was on a email that was like 10 months old, don't know how he got there.

im thinking of not saying anything to him but just cutting him off, or should i confront him what do you guys think?

i guess lesson learned the hard way, don't autofill on ipad

Yeah confrontation is the way to go, fists first :D:D:D

It's your private stuff, He should have snooped and he'd need passwords and security details for that as well? Ask him how, and why of course.
Yes, try confrontation first.

If that fails, try retaliation. Lock down everything you have first, and then try to gain access to his computer (when he is out or in the bathroom, etc.). Send offensive messages and pictures to all his contacts -- parents, girlfriend, employer, etc.

If he confronts you, use the same responses that he gave you when you confronted him.
Settings / General / Password Lock. :cool:

2nd time Ive seen you recommend that today! :) I just started using it myself a few days ago.. I really like it. Makes me feel all "mission impossible" when I go to use my iPad :)
Also I have it set to wipe data after 10 incorrect password attempts.. Do you know is this 10 total or 10 in a row?
2nd time Ive seen you recommend that today! :) I just started using it myself a few days ago.. I really like it. Makes me feel all "mission impossible" when I go to use my iPad :)
Also I have it set to wipe data after 10 incorrect password attempts.. Do you know is this 10 total or 10 in a row?

Haha, definitely not 10 total (that'd mean you were successful within the 10 attempts?). 10 in a row.
what would you guys do in this situation? im thinking of not saying anything to him but just cutting him off, or should i confront him what do you guys think?

He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the way. And that's how you get him. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?
Haha, definitely not 10 total (that'd mean you were successful within the 10 attempts?). 10 in a row.

No I mean like 10 wrong answers for the life of the device? or 10 till its unlocked again?.. or is it just 10 wrong answers in a row at anytime?
No I mean like 10 wrong answers for the life of the device? or 10 till its unlocked again?.. or is it just 10 wrong answers in a row at anytime?

10 wrong attempts total would be unacceptable to pretty much everyone, leaving too little room for error. It would be 10 failed consecutive attempts, as in, if the correct passcode isn't entered after that 9th failed attempt it will wipe.
He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the way. And that's how you get him. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?

haha...someone quoting "The Untouchables"? :D

Maybe he should handle his friend like Capone did at the dinner meeting...with a baseball bat? :eek:
Write some emails talking about how shtty it is when friends snoop their friend's private emails etc and then loan your ipad to your friend. :D
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