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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 19, 2008
Last Friday I DFU-restored my phone to put it back to base state to test some things out and to hopefully eliminate a few issues, but I didn't think to unhide everything 'stored' in Categories folders- so when I restored from the last backup, most of the apps on the phone are hidden and inaccessible (that I can find) at the moment. Is there any way without re-jailbreaking the phone to force the OS to unhide all the apps? Thanks!
Nope. You'll have to re-jailbreak, install BossPrefs and un-poof everything I'm afraid :(
That's kind of what I figured. :( I'll just have to make it through the week since I plan on re-jailbreaking on Friday. Thankfully by and large I kept the things I need the most outside of Categories. Thanks!
try this, go to > Settings > General > Restrictions > and then enable it, and then disable it and all should show up.
Yeah, I had the same issue when I hid cydia when JB then restored then JB again and cydia didn't show up.

Enabling and then disabling restrictions worked for me.

Very useful thing to know.
^^^ Has anyone tried this yet? I've never heard of that before I must say...

I just tried it to see if it works, and it left me with 9 pages of apps instead of 3.

Wonderful, now I get to hide all the apps again!!!
try this, go to > Settings > General > Restrictions > and then enable it, and then disable it and all should show up.

Yup, that did it! Thanks! Of course, I've got to wonder how many apps are still not showing up though since I likely had more than 9 pages worth total on the phone. :p
how to unhide folders

same issue but don't remember how to unhide them at all
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