I have seen several posts claiming that it is no longer going to be developed. I don't know how true this is though. I hope he will continue with its development though cause it was certainly the easiest method to use.
Monday, August 3, 2009 purplera1n and 3.0.1
Currently, it doesn't work,and I don't plan to ever make it work. Apple changed the kernel from 3.0 to 3.0.1, and I patch the kernel in a very specific spot. I code to make things simple, hacky, and fast. Dev codes to make things proper, slow, and complicated; redsn0w works OOTB. I could imagine a tool that takes the best of both worlds. No reason you need to push buttons or give the jailbreak program an ipsw; you can still write something generic that'll work on every device and version. And be fast. But I'm too lazy to write it.
Someone enterprising out there could probably fix it, it's just the kernel patches that are in the wrong place. Exploit and 99% of payload will work fine. But otherwise, purplera1n RIP. It was really more proof of concept to show whats possible; same thing with purplesn0w.
If I do another tool release, it'll hit the ipt3 and ra1nydayless 3GS.
Posted by George Hotz at 8:38 PM 111 comments