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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 14, 2002
Potomac, MD
Palm issued a public beta version of Palm desktop for Mac OS X at MacWorld. since that time there has been no updates on the web site. the beta a is usable, but very prone to just stop working mysteriously.

With all the rumors swirling around Palm, will the Mac OS X version ever come out?
you know, Palm Computing has completely lost my respect, and I will never buy their products again. They are on the preferred list as far as Apple and its users go, but they can't get a working release of their software out in less than a year??? I mean COME ON. that's ridiculous.

i am now waiting for a PDA that is worth the money. PocketPC's have nice screens and such, but the implementation is crap. PalmOS is just plain history. What's next??

Really I am BEGGING Apple to turn back on Jobs' statement, because someone needs to show the PDA market how a PDA is supposed to function.
Palm desktop for OS X is completely worthless, it's never been able to sync with my address book.

As for the PDA market ... I don't think Palm OS is all that bad. Simplicity should be the goal of a PDA, not mini-computer functions. I'd take a Sony PDA over anything else on the market, including a smaller, updated Newton.

Will be ever see one? I really hope so, all the others at the moment totally suck.

Palm or what else?

You are absolutely correct, palm os is kludgy and slow and buggy. Their OS X software insists on verifying admin status and doesn't follow apple guidelines. But, on the other hand, it is the only thing we have to use except for PocketPC based on Windows. Conduits are scarce so my use of Organizer Desktop by Chronos won't sync with my Palm until Palm builds that new OS X conduit api. the technology is certainly slower than our needs on many fronts. so we wait. I want my advantgo back!
Originally posted by sparkleytone

Really I am BEGGING Apple to turn back on Jobs' statement, because someone needs to show the PDA market how a PDA is supposed to function.

Could you expand on your statement. I don't understand which statement of Job's you are referring to. Rumors swirl around that Apple is making a deal with Palm of some sort to license the Palm OS for an "ipda" Is this what you are referring to?
Originally posted by ixchup

Could you expand on your statement. I don't understand which statement of Job's you are referring to. Rumors swirl around that Apple is making a deal with Palm of some sort to license the Palm OS for an "ipda" Is this what you are referring to?

I believe he's talking about Jobs' quote that Apple will not release a PDA.

chicagdan says the addressbook doesn't sync, does the beta properly sync the datebook and if so does it export/link to entourage?
I must say that i am very pleased with my palm m505, it never lets me down! I am still hoping for an OS X release sometime soon, until then i am keeping a G3 B/W (OS 9) on the side just for my palm. i'm not holding my breath.
I can't even get Palm desktop to synch it's own date book. It is worthless to me. It's a good thing that I have a peecee too, or else I'd never be able to keep my contacts up to date.
Palm OS X Beta

I've not had any problems.

Everything syncs. It just works.

They probably need to hammer out a few bugs. But I agree they should have gotten their act together by now. Finish it up already!!!

Then again, look at their last fiscal year. Ouch.

Palm Desktop

I have had very few problems with mine. It has always synched with all my Handspring/Palm stuff, although I am missing my Vindigo and Avantgo conduits.

Chicagdan--maybe it is a machine-specific problem. Palm Desktop still feels like a beta to me, but it works. I sometimes get odd error messages sometimes about another Sync already being in progress, but it always works.

I have to echo the disappointment in Palm, though. The two apps I am missing most are a fully-functional Palm desktop and RealOne for OS X. Palm is the one I rely on, though.

I sometimes feel like we Mac users are swimming upstream. This switch to OS X is taking longer than I'd like. :(

The only thing worse would be caving and using a crap (M$) OS.

Palm Desktop IS garbage..

I agree with all of you, the Desktop software totally blows.. It worked like one or two times and then never again, complaining of crypting access violation errors that can't be fixed.. Palm never answers tech support emails and they've made not a peep about when to expect a final.. For all we know they probably received so many complaints about the total inadequacy of the software that they've decided to scrap it and rewrite it from 0. Come to think of it, maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea.. just let Apple write .. a new iApp called iSync.
My Palm experience

Under OS X.1.2 on my PowerBook G4 with Palm's Beta software and a Palm Vx using both USB and IR synch, I had the fortune of being able to synch - once, and then an unknown error occurs every time after that.

Boo Hiss Palm, you should have delivered better, faster.
i dont own a palm so i dont know how these thinsg work but have any of you tried any of the third party palm synch applications? a few i found on a quick search im sure there are moreHere is

as far as an apple branded pda goes. steve said no pda. but who cares, the people like chicagdan are rare, most people want handheld computers and find pdas to be little more than a severely overpriced notepad. what does this mean? it means that if apple ever does get interested in an iNewt then they will take the sony route and take am at multimedia applications of a handheld that will quickly mold the handheld into a minicomputer which im sure is something Steve will quickly explain "isnt a pda" because its so much more... whatever, its an apple pda, those who want to argue semantics are just fooling themselves. will it happen though? doubtful in my opinion. the ipod migh be a clue that im wrong though, but if apple uses the ipod model for a pda then i think ill be quite disappointed because although the ipod is a beautiful mp3 players it would make a nasty handheld.
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