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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 9, 2007
I do. Only when some sort of joint touches it though. Like my finger joints or elbows. When my fingertips touch it I can feel a slight electric sensation sometimes (you know that feeling), but I don't get any sort of shock.

I really don't know why this is, but I just thought I'd mention it. =/

EDIT: Also, I noticed that most of the shocks come from the curved edge of the keyboard... Odd eh?
I've had my new aluminum keyboard for about a week now, and haven't gotten a shock. But I guess if it's made of metal, that may be a problem.
Sounds like something needs to be earthed. Remember at a party someone was jury rigging in an ipod to a speaker system in France. No earth over there (the 3rd pin for us Brits amongst other places) so the dodgy power connection was making the iPod give people electrical shocks nearly randomly.
Sounds like it needs a decent checking over.
Why did aluminum the keyboard shock you? And who called him aluminum?

Funny. :)

Yes, I have gotten shocked. Not from my MBP Penryn, but my PB 1.67.
ALL the time. It got to the point that I would touch the wrist portion with a finger, get the shock over with, and then start typing.

My wife thought I was crazy till it was dark once, and she saw the shock jump a bit.
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