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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 26, 2005
Or rather apply on the apple website for a barclay card?

The reason I ask is I when I was ordering my ipad 64gb 3g I asked an apple person through the online chat if I order several items to get the price over $900 so I can get 12 month 0% financing would that get screwed up because all the items ship on different dates and the small print says the charge must come through all at once. She told me it was no problem.

So I ordered the (otherwise I would have gotten a cheaper one)ipad, dock, case and camera kit. Dock shipped right away and a single charge went on the card for just the dock. The ipad charge went on next as a separate charge. So now I fear I won't get the 0% for 12 months even though I verified through apple that it would work.
The case and camera kit don't ship until the end of the month.

I haven't received an official statement yet so i'm waiting until then until I call up and complain. But just wanted to know if anyone else had an experience like this.
Yes, I did exactly that and, yes, it got screwed up. But luckily all it took to get it fixed was a request on Barclay's website. I filled out an inquiry form or something. They wrote back immediately and said they would fix it in two billing cycles. They actually fixed it on the first one. They couldn't have been nicer about it. I think it happens often the way it sounded.

There already been a thread about this, by the way. Someone else called and got the same result.
Play with credit card 'deals', you will get burned. My crazy solution was to pay for it with my credit card and then pay the card off in full when the statement came due.
I actually think it was an honest mistake. Apple shipped my accessories first which of course, their value being small, would not qualify for the no-interest deal. Barclay's is not Apple. They wouldn't know the total value of the order unless Apple told them the total value. Apple didn't, apparently--can't say for sure. These things happen.
Play with credit card 'deals', you will get burned. My crazy solution was to pay for it with my credit card and then pay the card off in full when the statement came due.

That is what I also did. As soon as my statement was posted, I paid it off in full.
Yes, I did exactly that and, yes, it got screwed up. But luckily all it took to get it fixed was a request on Barclay's website. I filled out an inquiry form or something. They wrote back immediately and said they would fix it in two billing cycles. They actually fixed it on the first one. They couldn't have been nicer about it. I think it happens often the way it sounded.

There already been a thread about this, by the way. Someone else called and got the same result.

That would be me. One phone call and my account was changed immediately to the 12 month free finance option. From what the rep said it's the system that rejects it when the master order number has different shipment dates. My camera connector kit was in the order, April 4, but not received until late May and it was added to the free finance balance.
That would be me. One phone call and my account was changed immediately to the 12 month free finance option. From what the rep said it's the system that rejects it when the master order number has different shipment dates. My camera connector kit was in the order, April 4, but not received until late May and it was added to the free finance balance.

i just used bill me later. i was looking at the card but didn't want to deal with it lol
That would be me. One phone call and my account was changed immediately to the 12 month free finance option. From what the rep said it's the system that rejects it when the master order number has different shipment dates. My camera connector kit was in the order, April 4, but not received until late May and it was added to the free finance balance.

Would you recommend I wait until all my items ship and are charged on the card or should I contact them now, before I actually have the $900+ balance fully charged?
Such a crazy concept to me, why not save up the cash and get it when you can afford it.

Welcome to America. Is this really the thread for this?

I had the cash, I paid off my credit cards so I no longer have to pay interest. Now I finance this and don't have to pay interest on it either. I could have used the money to buy the ipad but then i'd still have interest i'm paying on credit cards. My solution results in no interest paid anywhere.
I'm getting it for a road trip this summer for a number of reasons. I also have money for that trip all saved up too.
Play with credit card 'deals', you will get burned.

This piece of advice is a gem. If you think that credit cards want to do you a deal because you are a nice guy, you are very wrong. They hope you will screw up or not have the cash when it is due and you'll get all the hurt that you avoided plus a bus load of hurt interest. Sometimes you *may* win, usually they will.

The odds are stacked way in their favour my friend.
Welcome to America. Is this really the thread for this?

I had the cash, I paid off my credit cards so I no longer have to pay interest. Now I finance this and don't have to pay interest on it either. I could have used the money to buy the ipad but then i'd still have interest i'm paying on credit cards. My solution results in no interest paid anywhere.
I'm getting it for a road trip this summer for a number of reasons. I also have money for that trip all saved up too.

You've learned the hard way, OP. Otherwise intelligent people see 'finance', and feel obliged to respond with a completely irrelevant post, in full awareness that they've absolutely no understanding of your situation.

Hope you get it all sorted.
Glad to see the credit card company will likely work it out but this is exactly why I don't use credit cards anymore. I've got burned by credit cards before and now I only use cash and a debit card.
Would you recommend I wait until all my items ship and are charged on the card or should I contact them now, before I actually have the $900+ balance fully charged?
I contacted them as soon as I received the case, three weeks before the iPad was to be shipped. I made payment on the due date. They noted my account and after I received the iPad, I called back again to confirm the free finance was applied. It was.
Such a crazy concept to me, why not save up the cash and get it when you can afford it.
I had the money available and could have paid in full. Any time I can use someone elses money I do it if the terms are acceptable to me. These terms were.
Such a crazy concept to me, why not save up the cash and get it when you can afford it.

Like the poster above, I too have the money. But why should I give it to Barclay's now when Apple has worked out a deal with Barclay's that lets me enjoy my iPad interest free, AND MY MONEY, now? At the time I ordered, novbody had an iPad yet. What if it sucked? What if there was a recall? What if it was DOA? I'd rather have returned it having not paid a cent than to retiurn it and have to ask and wait to get my money back. Screw that.

I use Barclay's automatic payment tool so that my payment will never be late and I've set it up to be fully paid a few months BEFORE the 12 months of no interest expires--basically I'm letting them take $100/month from my checking account.

These programs are set up to entice people who don't have the money to buy things they may not be able to afford, but many of us who can afford them take advantage of the programs too, simply cuz we can. I'd rather hold onto my money longer, letting it work for me in MY accounts than in someone else's.
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