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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 7, 2014
Basel, Switzerland
My previous post received no answer so I reformulated it hoping for more luck.

Accessing the Foto-Mediatek directly from my user account through Pictures causes an intermitent dancing (blinking) desktop forcing me to shut down the MP 6.1 as the only solution.
Any other application dances as well and the title bar changes all the time from the Fotos titles to those of that app while the Fotos icon on the dock jumps all the time.
Clicking on the icon of any hard drive makes it start blinking as well.:oops:
I had kept previous Sierra versions up to 2016 in external clone drives but whatever I boot from shows the same bug.

Having finished the AppleCare coverage I am afraid of hardware problems for instance in GPUs.:eek:

Also my Bootcamp Windows 10 shows always a lightning when starting. Don't know if that flash light is supposed somehow to be "normal" in macs running Windows 10.:confused:

I followed all the web advices I found like to "repair" the Fotos-Mediathek (several times) and make a new Mediathek...but that brought nothing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.:)
Thanks in advance!
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