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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 31, 2005
SF Bay Area, CA
Anybody? Just wondering...a really close friend of mine is buying her white MacBook today because, quote "the black ones look like pcs to me and that scares me".

Who agrees? I know I would have. :)
I had a white MB, but I just sold it and bought a black one instead because I wasn't very fond of the white.. too iBooky/cheap looking.. and scratched way too easily.

The black doesn't look anything like PC laptops, in my opinion. I understand where someone might think so, but if you actually go out and compare, the blackbook really stands out. It's sleek, clean.. the finish is *so* much nicer than say, the thinkpads.. that are that ugly plastic (hard to describe, but you know what I mean). Plus, all black laptops aren't that common these days.. the keyboards are usually a different color, from what I've been seeing.

It's all a matter of preference, but.. there's mine.
Yeah, the black looks a lot nicer than most (all?) PCs. The white looks like a toy to me. I hope the premium for black comes down.
Totally agree that the black MacBook looks like a PC. Even though the white Apple logo on black looks very slick, I still think by far, the white iBook looks better.
I prefer white. In my opionion - white is for apple. Personally i find the blackbook premium to be funny cos, for me, its like paying more for something not as good. But i've noticed alot of poeple on here prefer the blackbook. Maybe they're bored of the standard apple white. Me being new to apple like the whiteness - its what attracted me in the first place.
deepy said:
I prefer white. In my opionion - white is for apple. Personally i find the blackbook premium to be funny cos, for me, its like paying more for something not as good. But i've noticed alot of poeple on here prefer the blackbook. Maybe they're bored of the standard apple white. Me being new to apple like the whiteness - its what attracted me in the first place.
I think I'd prefer the white better if it was a matte finish like the black. I like the white opened up much better than I like the white closed. The glossy is just.. well, ugly to me. I didn't think so at first, but having had to look at one day in and day out... Oh, and the apple logo hardly shows at all. On the black, it pops.

I think the black is somewhat for those that would have bought a 12" PB in the past: those that like portability, but also want a professional looking laptop. The white is definitely not that, but the black fits that profile.. and therefore is worth the extra premium, in my opinion.

Oh, and I also think the blackbooks will last longer than the white.. not actually last longer, but stay good looking longer. It's just inevitable that a white anything will start to get a dirty tinge after a lot of use..
Personally, I'm fine that it exists and everything, but I personally wouldn't have gone with the black, that's all.

Apparently starting this thread makes me a "fanboy" (whatever that is) and someboy has a problem with that, because I got quite an aggressive IM about it. I'd like to make it clear that I know what a PC looks like, however, I've almost always identified white with Apple. So sue me. :mad: ... :)
I bought a white MacBook because of the looks. I agree that the black MacBook looks much more PC like, and the white one is classic Apple in my opinion.
xfiftyfour said:
I think I'd prefer the white better if it was a matte finish like the black. I like the white opened up much better than I like the white closed. The glossy is just.. well, ugly to me. I didn't think so at first, but having had to look at one day in and day out... Oh, and the apple logo hardly shows at all. On the black, it pops.

It sounds just like the screen on the Macbook ;)
If the Blackbook was glossy, I'd be all over it but it, yes, does look like something Dell would make and is pretty boring.
I think the fusion pink from colourware pc looks the best :p lol i want it !
asherman13 said:
Personally, I'm fine that it exists and everything, but I personally wouldn't have gone with the black, that's all.

Apparently starting this thread makes me a "fanboy" (whatever that is) and someboy has a problem with that, because I got quite an aggressive IM about it. I'd like to make it clear that I know what a PC looks like, however, I've almost always identified white with Apple. So sue me. :mad: ... :)

That's pretty funny that someone would send you an aggressive message about it. Just laugh it off, there are jackoffs on every forum.
...white is better looking for me..however, going to buy black mainly because white ones get dirty to easily; with matte black u dont have to care so much:p
I bought both. I like the black more, even though I didnt think I would.

Besides it shows the apple logo better than the white :)

I'm also glad the glossy is only on the white, on the black - it would be a nightmare - ask anyone with a black DS Lite for confirmation on that.....

However do I think black is worth the 200 more? In retrospect - Not a chance.
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