NAV has been available for the Mac for months now... Besides the fact that it is not tied to a serial number makes it a sweet choice if you own more then one system. Getting updates is a snap, and it runs fairly fast (depending on your system). I do know that I cannot use the LiveUpdate from behind our corporate firewall. BUT, I can go out to their site, grab the update in all of a few minutes and then push the definitions to all of the other systems.
I'd say that it is well worth the money. I will be getting NSW2 when it is actually available (I have NSW1 now so it will just be an update for me ). That will include version 8 of NAV... It seems like they release a new version every 1 to 1-1/2 years....
eyelikeart, nice mod to your avatar.... I will probably be modifying mine in about 4 weeks (sometime after March 23rd ).