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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
So I use to tether back in the day, jailbroken 1.1.2 but it never worked good. Not so much speed but pages not loading all the time. Anybody doing this with their 3G? And if so how well is it working?
Thanks for the link, I already have that bookmarked. What I was hoping is if someone could talk about how is it working. Does it not want to load pages left and right like the old tether or is it working good? One thing to see it in theory in an article, another to hear peoples experience.

I bought the iPhone 3G hoping someone would eventually figure out a way to tether so I could get rid of my Sprint EX720 Expresscard which costs me $60 per month.

There are a few bugs worth mentioning with tethering:

I can not get into the iTunes store, but syncing and other functions of iTunes work fine so far.

Getting into Hotmail seems only possible with Safari. At first it has me put my password in twice then it says I can't do it, but if I click on previous pages it will eventually show that I am in Hotmail. I don't think I was successful at all in Firefox.

Certain icons show up badly in Safari like the edit and reply buttons on this page or do show up as question marks like emoticons.

Safari seems slower connecting in tether mode but as long as I set proxy settings, putting in my iPhone's IP address and the 1080 number in System Preferences before hand I can usually get on.

Now the good points:
Once I was successful in tethering I found if I never shut down my iPhone completely it would not lose and manufacture a different IP address. So when I quit terminal on the iPhone 3G and shut down and rebooted the MBP or Powerbook I did not have to go thru the elaborate process to get tethering back up; I just put "socks" into the terminal on the iPhone AFTER creating a network on the MBP and finding and accepting the network on the iPhone.

Speed in tethering is twice the speed of my Expresscard at my home location and equal to the cards speed at my job location.

I can use both my Powerbook and my MBP tethering at the same time.

To be honest I think my iPhone was quicker before the jailbreak with less application crashing, but I would much rather have tethering capability than speed in opening applications.

I wish I could learn how to create a network in Bootcamp Windows but my knowledge is limited. I got tethering to work in Windows Bootcamp once but I think it was because my Powerbook was keeping the network signal alive. Without the PB I haven't been able to do it again on the MBP in Bootcamp.

Any other questions feel free to ask.
What method of jailbreaking did you use? A little worried about bricking a new 3G but maybe I should not be...
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