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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 25, 2008
Was wondering if anyone has been using the new this season. I'm mostly wondering how the HD game feeds look when hooked up on a HDTV off a computer.

Apple is missing a big opportunity not putting on the Apple TV. Live sports on the machine would drive a TON of sales...
Was wondering if anyone has been using the new this season. I'm mostly wondering how the HD game feeds look when hooked up on a HDTV off a computer.

Apple is missing a big opportunity not putting on the Apple TV. Live sports on the machine would drive a TON of sales...

I would love that too. Maybe someone could get that working with a hacked ATV?
I have been using mlb all year on my 65". If I do not have anything else downloading on my macbook, it works beautiful. I am using wireless n. If I was hookes up wired I may be able to dowwnload in the background. The picture is suprising good. Much better than the silverlight crap last year.

Also if you run Plex, there will soon be a MLB plugin for it to watch games. Plex keeps getting better and better
I use it on a MBP hooked up to my 42" LCD. It looks really good though full screen is a little blocky at times. It's Flash so after a bit the fans kick in and stay on. Every once in a while it freezes and I have to restart the session, but overall it is good.

Haven't heard about the Plex plugin. Would help streamline the viewing. I'm still getting used to Plex.
Was wondering if anyone has been using the new this season.

The last time I tried it, local games were blacked out (which I found a little ironic considering that it's 'MLB' tv...). Until that changes I'm only a potential customer.

The last time I tried it, local games were blacked out (which I found a little ironic considering that it's 'MLB' tv...). Until that changes I'm only a potential customer.


I was looking for free streams of sports and think I read that if you sign up with a different address then you can get around that restriction. I think it has to do with regional rights to broadcast (ie if you live in Toronto, sportsnet carries the game and they have the rights to be the only broadcaster in that area).
There's been some work to try to get MLB.TV on Boxee. I know of a couple of people who are working with the new APIs that Boxee just put out. Hopefully they'll get it up and running soon!
The last time I tried it, local games were blacked out (which I found a little ironic considering that it's 'MLB' tv...). Until that changes I'm only a potential customer.


Don't have this issue when you live in the middle of the Carolinas...the land of minor league aplenty, major league famine...
I would love it if Apple could work with MLB (or any other sports that have similar services.. I wish NHL did) and get this as a plug-in on the Apple TV. I don't have cable now, but not by choice... and miss live sports. I can technically get all of my TV shows from iTunes and would gladly subscribe to a service like this to get live sports through Apple TV (I know that it might/is available on Plex but mean in terms of available for the average not-hacked Apple TV).
The last time I tried it, local games were blacked out (which I found a little ironic considering that it's 'MLB' tv...). Until that changes I'm only a potential customer.


that will never change because then the poor tv companies will lose viewers :( will always black out national games and local games for this reason
I was looking for free streams of sports and think I read that if you sign up with a different address then you can get around that restriction. I think it has to do with regional rights to broadcast (ie if you live in Toronto, sportsnet carries the game and they have the rights to be the only broadcaster in that area).

will not work because they always check your location -- ive used it in Philly and Boston and the map showed me where i was both times
will not work because they always check your location -- ive used it in Philly and Boston and the map showed me where i was both times

Good to know, I almost ordered it! I wonder what would happen if you used a proxy? Or something like Hot Spot Shield (I use this to be able to watch Hulu in Canada).
I signed up for premium.

I'm a Yankee and Dodger fan so local blackouts don't really effect me too much.

I have a new Mac mini that's hooked up via DVi to HDMI on a 46" Sony Bravia LCD and I'm just waiting on the Mini toslink to toslink cable for digital audio.

Picture is rather stellar provided that you have a good ISP.
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