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Original poster
May 24, 2003
Obviously you're not a golfer.
just curious - anyone still do wet photography; be it developing negatives and/or making prints? either at home, school, or work.

i am debating putting a darkroom into my next home/studio space :) right now i am developing my own 120mm B+W film in a dark bag and scanning the negatives for use in my design work.


Apr 26, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I'm just getting into that, but just 35mm, no fancy 120mm. I've got developing down pretty good, I'm working on making prints. They don't come out very nicely, yet.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I have not for a long while, but I recently came upon my film cameras and decided I would use them again. There's someone who I think may get a real kick out of learning how to process her own B&W negatives. She appears highly artistic and probably would appreciate the purest ways.


macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2004
I develop my own B&W using a darkbag. Never done prints, if I had space and time to spare I'd definitely do some prints, but I suspect that i would only do a few before reverting to getting a good lab to do them instead, to be honest. Dev is easy, prints more time consuming...

But if you had a room that could be blacked (temporarily) out then why not? I did look into being able to light seal my bathroom, so if i wanted to print I could, but there just isn't enough space in there. I looked on ebay for an enlarger, and it looks like you can get the kit reasonably cheaply. As with film cameras, I suspect you could get the equipment and later possibly sell it on for no real loss.

I also saw a 'portable' dark room - basically a vary vary large dark bag concept, which I am interested in. That isn't overly cheap (around £600 from memory), and space is still an issue. Plus I can't imagine what the heat would be like trying to use it in summer.
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