First of all let me say I love my Macbook Air SSD. Its just a joy to use and carry around in my bag, and really works great as my portable machine. I have a Mac Pro where I work as well as my own Mac Pro at home for personal use, so the Air seemed like a perfect fit for me as I didn't mind having a "barebones" laptop that people complained about.
Anyones last night I just ordered a silve 160gb iPod classic and think it will be great to have as both an iPod and an external drive. I am going to keep all my music and video on it, as well as some files that I need to save and transfer to other machines. Also I'll probably throw World of Warcraft on it because I don't want that monster install eating up my SSD!
I just felt the iPod would give me the extra space I needed (don't really need a giant external), and the silver should match my Air nicely, hehe.
Anyones last night I just ordered a silve 160gb iPod classic and think it will be great to have as both an iPod and an external drive. I am going to keep all my music and video on it, as well as some files that I need to save and transfer to other machines. Also I'll probably throw World of Warcraft on it because I don't want that monster install eating up my SSD!
I just felt the iPod would give me the extra space I needed (don't really need a giant external), and the silver should match my Air nicely, hehe.