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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 26, 2011
I'm just curious, because searching failed to find anyone still having problems with it. The posts I read we're from those who hadn't turned bookmark syncing on.

However, my issue is that it is turned on, both in the settings of my iPad 2 and in those of my 4S, but my bookmarks only sync one way and yes, I've actually been tapping the ribbon and completely closing out the iBooks app. Still no luck, though,

Bookmarks for where I left off sync to my iPad with no problems, but have never made it to my phone since launch day.

Being a huge bookworm, I sometimes have 3 or 4 books going at once and it's made it kind of a pain to try to remember the page or chapter I left off, so I can pick up with whatever one I'm in the mood for, when I'm out and about using my iPhone.

Both have been restored (yes, though I hated it, I tried set up as new.) very recently and it hasn't helped. I've got over 600 books in and yesterday, I decided to pick up with a Michael Connelly Bosch on the bus and had to hunt for the correct chapter, because I forgot to check before I left. I bookmarked at chapter 9, at the stop in Seattle before mine and it went right to my iPad, but a chapter later and no changes, my phone is still on chapter 9.

Yes, long winded, but I've tried everything I can think of that might help. Any other ideas?
Wowsers! I didn't even know that was possible!
A conversation on the Apple support forum indicates that it might have to do with a glitch when you have different Apple ID's.

Thanks, but it's the same ID on both. It's the same one I started using back when iTunes was new, I've just updated the info over the years. However, I'm on the same iTunes and iCloud account on both, since I'm the only one that uses these devices.

Sooo frustrating!
I've also been having issues, and similarly can only find old posts that are now irrelevant.

My case is as follows (it might be slightly different than yours, verwon, so I'll detail my issue):
My location is sometimes synced, though not always.
My bookmarks, highlights and notes do not appear to sync. I don't think it matters whether I leave the bookmark (or highlight/note) on the iPad or iPhone, it doesn't appear to sync over to the other.

However, I've noticed that if it hasn't synced over, then on the unsynced device, if I leave the book and go to the library view (still within iBooks), and then go back into my book, the bookmarks and highlights are there. Although, if I look under the bookmarks menu, the chapter name and page number are missing, only showing a blank line and a date with the bookmark icon. Repeating the above process (going out to the Library, then back in to the book) usually finally gives me everything. It's as if the syncing only gets a fraction of the info across before being cut-off, so it requires a few tries to get it all there.

It's a pain, but since I can never remember where I left off, it at least gives me an option until Apple can fix this bug in a future (hopefully the next) update. Hopefully this can help you out in the mean time, too? Your mileage may vary.
I've also been having issues, and similarly can only find old posts that are now irrelevant.

My case is as follows (it might be slightly different than yours, verwon, so I'll detail my issue):
My location is sometimes synced, though not always.
My bookmarks, highlights and notes do not appear to sync. I don't think it matters whether I leave the bookmark (or highlight/note) on the iPad or iPhone, it doesn't appear to sync over to the other.

However, I've noticed that if it hasn't synced over, then on the unsynced device, if I leave the book and go to the library view (still within iBooks), and then go back into my book, the bookmarks and highlights are there. Although, if I look under the bookmarks menu, the chapter name and page number are missing, only showing a blank line and a date with the bookmark icon. Repeating the above process (going out to the Library, then back in to the book) usually finally gives me everything. It's as if the syncing only gets a fraction of the info across before being cut-off, so it requires a few tries to get it all there.

It's a pain, but since I can never remember where I left off, it at least gives me an option until Apple can fix this bug in a future (hopefully the next) update. Hopefully this can help you out in the mean time, too? Your mileage may vary.

Apple had me go through a lot of troubleshooting, but the last guy had me turn off my iCloud bookmarks and other features, on both devices, so they could refresh it in my account or some such, then do a full reboot, then turn them back on. After that it all started working fine.

Mine wasn't syncing anything, at all, ever. Didn't matter if I went back out to the main view, or completely closed the app.
I tried iBooks back at the 4.3.3 days. I had problems syncing bookmarks and reading position between two devices. I made a thread on it back then but I haven't used iBooks ever again. I went back to stanza, I only tried iBooks for the bookmark syncing and if it doesn't work...
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