Welcome to the club.
Here my experience: I bought a Pro 10.5 as soon as they came out last June. In few days it start to click in the upper part of the screen. I went to my local Apple Store, first they ask me to demostrate it in a loud room full of people, then they told me it was nothing and what I was hearing was a system sound (ok...); luckily I made a video of the issue and after arguing for almost an hour they agreed to replace it, but they couldn't at that moment because no refurbished unit was available in the store (I bought that iPad from a reseller so they told me they could't exchange it for a new one within the return window); still from the store we called Apple support and they promise to send my one directly to my place, since I leave quite far from the store. For the next TWO weeks I had an exchange of mail with Apple where they told me they could't sent the iPad due to a bug in their shipping software they were try to solve (ok...). I also posted my experience here on the forum, then I lost my patience, told them to cancel the request and, since the product was still new I decided to ebay it and get a new one.
I purchases directly to Apple Store, so if I noticed any click I could just return it. The device was perfect, but sadly few weeks ago it start to show a couple of dead pixels and I decided to change it via Apple Care.This time Apple send a replacement immediately (I guess now they have refurbished units ready to be shipped...).
The unit was rubbish, from start I hear a soft squishy spot under Facetime camera, which start clicking in few days, may be my idea but the iPad also overheat a lot more in the lower zone and behind around the Apple Logo.
So I made my last try, since my father needed a new iPad and he doesn't care about the clicking, I buy myself a new one.
Guess what? After few days it start to click under Facetime camera. I have not yet decided what to do now, but I am kinda hopeless.
I am not paranoid: I had almost every iPad since the 2 and never got a single issue, 6 models of iPhone and replaced only one due a defective power button. I am really careful not to hurt my tecnology as well.
In conclusion during this last year I had 4 iPad Pros 10.5, bought in different times and from different vendors (Apple official reseller, Apple directly, one via Apple Care and the last one from a big electronic vendor here in Italy) and 3 out of 4 had this issue. I cannot think to be so unlucky, my guess is that the problem is, more or less, quite common, maybe the majority of people doesn't notice it or just doesn't care.