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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 13, 2007
Orlando, FL
This is on the 3GS, but Maps is constantly pinpointing me in the wrong locations (by up to a mile or so)..

Any ideas on this? Is this just a bug in 3.0 or something?
I responded in the other thread you posted, but incase you didn't see it: I've seen the same problem but once I switched to wifi over 3G the accuracy was much more pinpoint (feet instead of miles). More of my observations were listed in my post in the other thread.
I responded in the other thread you posted, but incase you didn't see it: I've seen the same problem but once I switched to wifi over 3G the accuracy was much more pinpoint (feet instead of miles). More of my observations were listed in my post in the other thread.

Guess I missed that, sorry.
I haven't used Wifi once since I've been on my 3GS. I solely use 3G.
If you can switch to wifi, give it a shot and see if the GPS is more accurate. At least this will confirm what I've found and perhaps will give insight as to the 3G problem (and if it's even fixable).
If you can switch to wifi, give it a shot and see if the GPS is more accurate. At least this will confirm what I've found and perhaps will give insight as to the 3G problem (and if it's even fixable).

Let me ask you a question about this: are you saying that the phone locates you more accurately on wifi or that the phone has an easier time getting a gps lock with wifi? Because wifi is always more accurate than 3g triangulation, but since 3.0 my phone will not get a gps lock at all, regardless of if wifi is on or not.
I'm having a sporadic issue with this as well.

At home it places me at my front door, via the 3g connection only.

While at my studio it places me at the 5th ave apple store - while nice, it's about a mile away. However, when I connect to the studio wifi if again places me correctly. Annoying. Especially since I can See the AT$T building 2 blocks away.
The 3.0 update has made the GPS terrible on my 3G.

Before the update, it used to update Maps smoothly and precisely as I hiked trails or drove my car (dash-mount so the signal was good). I'd see continous motion, great for knowing when I was getting close to a turn or whatever.

Now it takes 30-60 seconds to get a precise fix, and until then it's way off--miles away. Worse yet, the map no longer scrolls smoothly as I drive—it takes another 30 seconds BETWEEN fixes, and then it jumps. Nearly useless for driving, and it used to be great.

Google Earth on iPhone has the same symptoms, so it's Location Services that is to blame, not the Maps app itself. I'm convinced there's a bug Apple needs to fix.

(I also notice that typing is a bit slower, and the iPod operation is much slower: launching it is much slower, and starting every song has a second or two lag that wasn't there before 2.0. So it kind of seems like an overall performance problem—except that demanding games do still play just fine.)
Just a quick update: after a week of these 3.0 problems, it's fast again.

I've heard of others having these problems, and others NOT having them, so it's not everyone.

And apparently it fixes itself eventually :confused: For several days the GPS was slooooow, and restarting made no difference. But it's fine now. iPod is more responsive too.
And then the problem came back :( GPS useless again. Others see this in Apple's forums, so I'm hopeful of a fix in 3.1.
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