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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 14, 2015
Mine suddenly finished shortly before installing the iOS 14.2 Beta 3 update.

I didn’t make any changes or mess with any settings...they just went away. Siri Suggestions are still turned on.


Seems like various people have experienced this sort of thing:
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If it means that iOS will stop suggesting FB messenger contacts in front of my iMessage/text message pinned contacts then I can live with this omission.

Very odd that it didn’t happen after a restart or an iOS update or anything. Just suddenly stopped.

Welp, ok. I’ve tried restarting and toggling the Siri Suggestions when Sharing toggle ON/OFF.

Not a huge deal, but that was a feature I used a lot. Shrug.
My suggestions are also showing and I've never had an issue in past betas with them not showing.

Not sure why some people are having this issue and others are not.
All of my iMessage suggestions are gone, but airdrop and skype suggestions have filled in the space....even though I haven't used either of those in a year.
My suggestions have returned.

I did absolutely nothing. Just woke up today and they were back.
I’m having this problem also. The weird thing is, they didn’t disappear after upgrading to iOS 14 and they were still there after 14.0.1. They disappeared overnight out of nowhere and still haven’t come back after 14.1.
I had this problem too and hoped it would go away after I got my new 12 Pro and setup it up from my old phone. But the problem unfortunately carried over from my 11 Pro.

I tried the usual thing of toggling sharing suggestions on and off but it didn’t help. I even went so far as to disable Siri completely and set it up again.

Then I did some poking around and found something. If you scroll down past all the main settings in “Siri & Search” you’ll come to settings you can fine tune on an app by app level. I went into my messages settings and the setting “learn from this app” was turned off for some reason. JUST on my Messages app, all others had it on. I flipped this back on and almost immediately I started getting sharing sheet suggestions again.

I am posting this discovery in hopes that it helps others too.
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I had this problem too and hoped it would go away after I got my new 12 Pro and setup it up from my old phone. But the problem unfortunately carried over from my 11 Pro so.

I tried the usual thing of toggling sharing suggestions on and off but it didn’t help. I even went so far as to disable Siri completely and set it up again.

Then I did some poking around and found something. If you scroll down past all the main settings in “Siri & Search” you’ll come to settings you can fine tune on an app by app level. I went into my messages settings and the setting “learn from this app” was turned off for some reason. JUST on my Messages app, all others had it on. I flipped this back on and almost immediately I started getting sharing sheet suggestions again.

I am posting this discovery in hopes that it helps others too.

This worked for me. I have no clue why it was off.
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I had this problem too and hoped it would go away after I got my new 12 Pro and setup it up from my old phone. But the problem unfortunately carried over from my 11 Pro.

I tried the usual thing of toggling sharing suggestions on and off but it didn’t help. I even went so far as to disable Siri completely and set it up again.

Then I did some poking around and found something. If you scroll down past all the main settings in “Siri & Search” you’ll come to settings you can fine tune on an app by app level. I went into my messages settings and the setting “learn from this app” was turned off for some reason. JUST on my Messages app, all others had it on. I flipped this back on and almost immediately I started getting sharing sheet suggestions again.

I am posting this discovery in hopes that it helps others too.
This worked for me. Exactly as described. Thanks!
This morning it happens to me as well , my iPad was already updated to iPadOS 14.1 since few days
Didn't change any prefs in settings and boom:
Safari wasn't giving any suggestions when sharing through messages .
Thanks to this thread I tried to play with the toggling prefs suggested here . Nothing
Then after sometime it works again. So weird.
Could be related to this?
Link Previews in Popular Messaging Apps May Lead to Security Vulnerabilities
Is Apple toggling something on their side too?!

P.s. Looking for a solution I found a forum where they were asking how to clear the sharing suggestions:
If I knew what happened today I could have told them...😆
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I had this problem too and hoped it would go away after I got my new 12 Pro and setup it up from my old phone. But the problem unfortunately carried over from my 11 Pro.

I tried the usual thing of toggling sharing suggestions on and off but it didn’t help. I even went so far as to disable Siri completely and set it up again.

Then I did some poking around and found something. If you scroll down past all the main settings in “Siri & Search” you’ll come to settings you can fine tune on an app by app level. I went into my messages settings and the setting “learn from this app” was turned off for some reason. JUST on my Messages app, all others had it on. I flipped this back on and almost immediately I started getting sharing sheet suggestions again.

I am posting this discovery in hopes that it helps others too.
This seems to have worked for me as well! Thank you!
Mine are missing, too. So frustrating. I need to keep many of my old messages and now they are gone.
It didn’t work for me. That toggle button was still on. I even turned it off and back in and nothing. My messages are missing from people that have iPhones.
This has just started happening to me, for the first time a couple of days ago, and its happening on all of my ios devices.

I'm on iOS 14.3

All of my share-sheet suggestions showing people are gone. (Such as when sharing a link when in safari)

I've confirmed and toggled all the suggested settings and tried rebooting. ("Show Suggestions when Sharing", in Siri&Search, and "show suggestions" and "learn from this app" in app specific settings in Siri&Search > messages, safari)

Note that the app specific setting, Siri & Search > messages > LearnFromThisApp, was OFF, but turning it on did not fix the problem, (i'm leaving it on of course), nor did a subsequent reboot.

I also tried sharing and sending a new message link from safari after the above steps, thinking it might have first started relearning after turning on "learn from this app". That didn't help either.

Anyone else seeing this problem recently? Any other suggestions?

UPDATE (added about two hours after first posting)
My problem has gone away. But has done so in a way that sheds some light on the problem.

The only people added to the suggestions are people with whom I've had contact AFTER turning on "Learn From this App". This seems to imply two things

1- Info that had been previously learned from the app and used for suggestions is totally discarded when "Learn From This App" is turned off. Only those suggestions which are learned after turning on the setting are used.

2- It takes time for the change in that setting to take effect, even after using the app to make contact in ways that will be suggested in the future.
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I had this problem too and hoped it would go away after I got my new 12 Pro and setup it up from my old phone. But the problem unfortunately carried over from my 11 Pro.

I tried the usual thing of toggling sharing suggestions on and off but it didn’t help. I even went so far as to disable Siri completely and set it up again.

Then I did some poking around and found something. If you scroll down past all the main settings in “Siri & Search” you’ll come to settings you can fine tune on an app by app level. I went into my messages settings and the setting “learn from this app” was turned off for some reason. JUST on my Messages app, all others had it on. I flipped this back on and almost immediately I started getting sharing sheet suggestions again.

I am posting this discovery in hopes that it helps others too.

Sorry to bump a really old thread but I've been having this issue since updating to iOS 18 and this solution fixed it. Toggled this setting on and rebooted. Started working about 10 minutes after reboot.

Thank you!!!!
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