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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 13, 2009
Anyone else waiting for 3.1 and not bothering with the 3.0.1 update? I really don't feel like having to jailbreak again.
I havnt....I will definatly be waiting for 3.1......This one wasn't enough to make me have to re jailbreak....
Okay, said I was undecided, but then just decided to do it. Went without a hitch amd everything works fine. However, I did wait until all the hysteria died down to do my update. After the backup, it took maybe 10-15 minutes.
Im not updating because I dont have the time to re-jailbreak now, but I dont want to go through the whole process again. I'm not too worried about the SMS hack and even if for some reason it did happen, I would update then. But for now, I'm avoiding it and waiting for 3.1.
Anyone else waiting for 3.1 and not bothering with the 3.0.1 update? I really don't feel like having to jailbreak again.

Kinda wish I had waited. I had an AptBackUp disaster so I had to restore, re-JB then put everything back manually.

Now I think I have the quick discharging battery problem (first time ever), so I will likely wait until Saurik is done, restore, and use his method then re-JB

Oh well, one thing after another.......
I'm holding out too. Not too worried about the SMS thing, plus hopefully the Dev Team (or whoever is working on it) will have the solution ready for simple upgrading from one jb'd OS to the next by the time 3.1 comes down.

I also hope jailbreaking stays as simple as it is on 3.0 with purplera1n.
I honestly don't think anyone would be interested in using that exploit to take over my phone... I'll upgrade if/when that happens or when 3.1 becomes available, whichever comes first.
holding off, just cause i just got my iPhone on tues and just set it up the way i wanted...once i get more comfortable with the phone and how it operates..ill prob update.

However, unless 3.1 is amazing...i might hold off on that also.
waiting as well

I trust Saurik he promised something nice in the next week so I'll wait for that now when 3.1 comes out that will test my patience hopefully it won't take long for the Dev team to have a 3.1 hack but 3.0.1 I can wait. hopefully the hacker won't use my phone to blow up the world. :p
Don't see much point in updating. Correct me if I'm wrong but the person who wants to use the hack has to have your number so unless you or someone you know posts your number on the net then you should be fine.

I also got a Twitter from musclenerd saying that 3.0.1 doesn't begin to fix a lot of the other SMS exploits so I'd just wait till 3.1
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