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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 15, 2012
Okay guys I have some questions . Have any of you iPhone 4 users experienced any extra lag when you updated to iOS 5?
I know that this question is pretty foolish sounding, but it has been bugging me. iOS 4 on the iPhone 4 feels much snappier than iOS 5 on the iPhone 4, yet iOS 5 benchmarks much faster. Sliding back to the search function on the home screen usually has a slight delay. Thank you.
I've only noticed performance improvement over iOS 4... Have you tried restoring your iPhone and starting fresh? (not restoring from a backup.)

edit: I have an iPhone 4.
Nope not yet, I might though. Honestly , the only thing that truthfully bugs me is the settings opening slower.
Well I did noticed that my iPhone 4 is laggier than before. But in my case iOS 5.0.1 (now on 5.1.1) was on the device since my old one was exchanged by Apple.

Especially, as you mentioned, the Spotlight search is laggy as hell, sliding right to search my phone actually takes forever and typing in something is also laggy. It feels like it just takes one letter per second. Settings, Safari and Camera are loading (from "just opened" to "usable" state) very slow as well and Tweetbot (although not an Apple app) is crashing every now and then. Overall, typing has lost a lot of speed and taking pictures is almost impossible due to that long loading time of the camera to get ready. Even scrolling through my photo library is lagging sometimes.

I'll try to start fresh tomorrow and will report back. (Unless I forget to restore my phone.)

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