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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
I’m not sure if this is just me looking for a problem or if it’s unrelated to the beta but since update to iOS 13 me cellular service seems weaker.

Driving round my village with CarPlay the signal meter is all over the place going from 1 bar Edge all the way up to 4 Bar 4G (LTE)

however when sat next to the missus at home with identical iPhones on same network (hers is iOS 12) the signal seems about the same.

I’m curious because right now I’m at work sat parked up in the van and I have 1 bar of 4G (LTE) which dropped to 3G then came back to one bar 4G (LTE) again, however according to my network I should get good indoor outdoor 4G (LTE) service in the area I’m currently in.

I don’t think the phone is receiving less signal but from my observation it seems to be reporting network changes faster in the bars, as I noticed when at home the wife’s iPhone stayed on 2 bars whereas mine went from 1-2 quite rapidly. Cellular performance is about the same if not slightly better on iOS13 when I do use it though.

Anyone else notice anything similar?
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macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2017
I’m not sure if this is just me looking for a problem or if it’s unrelated to the beta but since update to iOS 13 me cellular service seems weaker.

Driving round my village with CarPlay the signal meter is all over the place going from 1 bar Edge all the way up to 4 Bar 4G (LTE)

however when sat next to the missus at home with identical iPhones on same network (hers is iOS 12) the signal seems about the same.

I’m curious because right now I’m at work sat parked up in the van and I have 1 bar of 4G (LTE) which dropped to 3G then came back to one bar 4G (LTE) again, however according to my network I should get good indoor outdoor 4G (LTE) service in the area I’m currently in.

I don’t think the phone is receiving less signal but from my observation it seems to be reporting network changes faster in the bars, as I noticed when at home the wife’s iPhone stayed on 2 bars whereas mine went from 1-2 quite rapidly. Cellular performance is about the same if not slightly better on iOS13 when I do use it though.

Anyone else notice anything similar?
About 2 weeks ago I did have some issues with cellular service but after subsequent updates things are more smooth. I do get notifications that I have weak signal but I have not noticed any slow downs like I did 2 weeks ago.


macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2016
No issues here. Same s****y coverage as before with 0.1 to 1 Mbps 4G speeds.
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