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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 4, 2010
For me, I can't update. Apple has regrettably made media organization more difficult and I still can't get over the loss of multiple iTunes windows.
My iOS devices are still on iOS 6, so I can continue to sync perfectly fine and the ability to continue using the default Music app before it got butchered in iOS 7 is a huge plus.
Anyone else still on iTunes 10.7? If so, why?
YES !!! I have a large esoteric music collection. Imported from CDs. Cannot bear to lose functionality and Cover Flow! Same boat, can't upgrade. Don't know what to do. Why oh why did Apple screw up iTunes? !? 10.7 is awesome.


Old iPhone 4S using iOS 6. Can't bear to lose this iTunes and Music app!
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Still on Mountain Lion because of iTunes 10.7

I'm still on Mountain Lion because I want to keep using iTunes 10.7. I have a few thousand books and articles that I need to tag or re-tag and I find the 10.7 interface to be best suited for this task. I see no reason to move to 11 and I find the interface of 12 to be horrific (and that applies to Yosemite as well, by the way).
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Itunes 10.7 was focused on being a music/book/media organizing tool that could handle terabytes of music with ease. After 10.7 it became an apps/music/media buying tool.

I just installed Mavericks on one of my computers and needed to rollback to iTunes 10.7 without breaking MAS, and getting errors, etc.... Here is a detailed step by step that can get you there:

What I am curious about is if anyone has it working on Yosemite.
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I actually prefer the latest version, but I am also far too lazy to update the older version on my other computer. So I guess I'm in both camps.
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I miss iTunes DJ. Was great for parties, throw a playlist on and anyone with an iPhone could vote up the songs they wanted next. Very disappointed when they ditched that. Stayed on 10.7 for a while, but had to ditch it when I had an iPhone 6 (I think it was the 6?).
I use my wife's computer for the devices iTunes 10.7 can't handle. I'm going to try and stick with it. I upgraded my notebook from Mavericks to Yosemite. hahah everything still works with only a little bit of finagling. Only thing I can't do is sync up post-iSO 7 devices. But, yeah, updates and downloads via Mac App Store are working ;-) in Yosemite. Next up is El Capitan....
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Using 10.4.1 under El Capitan. It's working fine.
IIRC, iTunes 9 point something was as low as you could go and still get it to work under el cap.

Yeah, 10.4.1 under El Capitan the way you have it set up is interesting.

I am under Yosemite now. I wonder if I can run my 10.7 (which i named and the 12.2 like you do. I have the 12.2 hidden with the Dot-Method and I got an error when i tried to launch while holding option.

For now I'll use the other computer for those modern iOS.
But you're stuck with an iPhone 5 or earlier?

It depends.

True enough, you’ll only be able to sync pre iOS 7 devices with iTunes 10.7. However, I have more than one computer. On my desktop, I prefer using iTunes 10.7 for my 3-terabyte music collection. Plus, I still have pre iOS 7 devices that are perfectly usable as is. My wife’s computer has the newest iTunes. We use it with our modern iOS devices etc…

There are other options if you only have one computer. But you have to ask yourself: How badly do you want iTunes 10.7.? lol, this is for die hard iTunes 10.7 users. Method one below works for me but I don't do it very often.

1) You could create two iTunes libraries. Then switch between iTunes 12 and iTunes 10.7. All it takes is 1) replacing the CoreFP.framework and back 2) holding option while launching iTunes to choose the correct library. But this is a process that some people might find cumbersome.

2) I have never done this one and can only relay what someone told me: "Some people install El Capitan on a blank USB drive and transfer all their music/iTunes files and use that to sync/backup phone, and to explore the new (and future) OS. They say it is a bit of a pain to transfer new music from their main Mountain Lion drive and place it in the desired playlists again, but find it preferable to messing with frameworks."

3) Another person mentioned creating a virtual OSX with the newest iTunes to compensate for lost functionality. Ha, this might be the something as #2 above. Not sure.

Either way, this is the pain you get for hacking Apple. It is not that bad though IMHO.
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