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macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
10.12.6 on my 2016 rMBP 13"

still happy

wasn't happy with the first few builds of HS, and might dual boot Mojave when its a PB, but I don't really have the space right now
10.12.6 on my 2016 rMBP 13"

still happy

wasn't happy with the first few builds of HS, and might dual boot Mojave when its a PB, but I don't really have the space right now

Still here on 10.12.6.... And will be till my Mac dies..... I have older software, no update for, but also, i tad wary of the new FS in High Sierra,, One of these days i'll connect my USB, and all my data gets wiped.

Usually i only upgrade when the final release comes... Then i'll know its stable.. (which would probably be about 1 year or so) after the new OS goes public. I didn't even upgrade to Sierra till 10.12.3

I'm always one of those un-nervy to go with any OS still got bugs in, (and with Apple the first three or four releases tend to be buggy in areas)
Yes, still using Low Sierra here.
Actually I just "moved up" to it (from El Capitan) a few months' back.

I find it to be "wise policy" to generally stay one version (or more) of the OS "back" from the latest release. Fewer problems.

I have NO plans to move to High Sierra as my "main OS" right now.
I use a late 2012 Mac Mini as my "main Mac".
My 2015 MacBook Pro is still at El Cap (came with it), and I have no plans to upgrade that further, either.
Yes, still using Low Sierra here.
Actually I just "moved up" to it (from El Capitan) a few months' back.

I find it to be "wise policy" to generally stay one version (or more) of the OS "back" from the latest release. Fewer problems.

I have NO plans to move to High Sierra as my "main OS" right now.
I use a late 2012 Mac Mini as my "main Mac".
My 2015 MacBook Pro is still at El Cap (came with it), and I have no plans to upgrade that further, either.
Kind of unrelated, but I'm on El Cap on my 2015 MacBook Pro, too. Blame ported fears to update from iOS (I keep everything on original iOS).
Yeah, still am. Late 2013 rMBP. Staying on it because I've heard that HS still seems to be having issues with the discrete GPU leaking memory and other such issues causing lag and bugs. Besides, Sierra is flawless to my eyes. No lag on anything, no bugs. It's like Sierra was meant for this computer. I'll wait until there's more information on Mojave before I move over, wrt. performance and stability - especially on the Late 2013 rMBP.
I am still here too. I will move up once the have the file system sorted out (my boot drive is 2 SSDs in a Raid-0).

Needless to say, I am not expecting to move anytime soon.
10.12.6 on my 2016 rMBP 13"

still happy

wasn't happy with the first few builds of HS, and might dual boot Mojave when its a PB, but I don't really have the space right now

I upgraded my 2011 Mac Mini from 10.12.6 to 10.13.5 recently and I'm glad I did. High Sierra is running a little snappier than Sierra was and this will extend the MacOS support for another year beyond support for Sierra. I think it was a good thing to wait for a later release of HS. I ran into some installation bugs on my 2012 Mac Mini with the first HS release. However it seems like 10.13.5 is gtg. I recommend doing a full back up before any major OS upgrade.
Still on Sierra, but plan to move up to High Sierra pretty soon.
It might be more stable now I think.

Planning on doing a clean install and wipe the computer. Less problem I’ve heard.
Then migrate back the data. From one of the many backups I already have :)
I wan’t to be in HighSierra before Mojave comes out. But I definitely felt that I wanted to wait longer before upgrading this time b/c of the new APFS file system.
Now I have fusiondrive so it won’t change to the new file system anyway.
But wanted to hear and find out more. Been messy enough for many that I’ve heard.
Didn’t wanted to be one of them.

Still, biggest is change since shift from old classic into OSX ;)

No hurry, the upgrade day comes fairly soon....
Still on Sierra too. Admittedly, I've only experience of Yosemite - which my MacBook Pro came installed with - and Sierra. Stayed on Yosemite for a couple of years but after reading comments on here decided to give High Sierra a miss and upgraded to Sierra instead. It's made my Mac - a 13" MBP (2015) which was already fast - even snappier and more responsive. No need to change right now.
Still on Sierra and perfectly happy with it. I will upgrade the GPU in my 2012 cMP soon and be ready for Mojave. I may skip HS altogether.

Tried HS last fall, wasn't impressed and went back to Sierra a couple months later.
Still on Sierra MBP 13" 2011. Not seeing any potential benefit of upgrading to HS and a lot potential for problems. This year has been ridiculous for Apple software.
I have moved on to High Sierra now :)
Was supposed to make a clean install and migrate mu stuff.
But I guess it was not the day, as I forgot to erase the disk before I pushed the HS installer.
Everything went flawless though. Glad I waited. But HS is snappier on my iMac (2013).
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