I was pretty much set to buy an Ipad with 3g, not having unlimited doesn't bother me, I read that 96% of customers do not exceed 2Gb a month, and even if I do, its only 10 bucks.. most will be on wifi anyway
After seeing everything the Iphone 4 has to offer, now I'm looking at the ipad in a whole new way, now i'm expecting those features on the ipad before I buy it ... I know there is a never ending update game you play when you buy technology , but I dunno,
was anyone else ready to buy an ipad, but now will just wait it out a year until the ipad has the iphone 4 features ? or most of them
After seeing everything the Iphone 4 has to offer, now I'm looking at the ipad in a whole new way, now i'm expecting those features on the ipad before I buy it ... I know there is a never ending update game you play when you buy technology , but I dunno,
was anyone else ready to buy an ipad, but now will just wait it out a year until the ipad has the iphone 4 features ? or most of them