Not that anyone asked, but I just restored to stock 2.0.1. I was jailbroken for all of 24 hours. Maybe I didn't give it a chance, but in IMO, jailbreaking on 2.0 holds little allure compared to 1.x.x.
My 1st gen iPhone was jailbroken for about 9-10 of the 12 months I owned it. I couldn't imagine having a non-jailbroken iPhone. The App Store has played a big part in changing that for me.
Cydia is a little too cold and sterile for me. I prefer a little eye candy...screenshots are nice, like Installer had.
Winterboard seems more like a band-aid for theme hags than a true theming app. No offense to the dev; you are bringing joy to many a die hard theme hag. But there are waaay more apps on the app store than were on Installer...who has the time to make all the icons? Rounded corners and black backgrounds keeps things nice and simple. Sure, some apps' icons are butt ugly, but that's just the way it is.
Installer 4 is like that brand new shiny glass mall in the bad part of town. A few shoppers may come out of curiousity, but I wonder if it won't just stay pretty much empty. After all, the developers of the apps that the average Joe wanted have already flocked to the app store. Beyond a decent theming app, SSH and maybe some system level notifications, what's left for the average jaibreaker to want? Games and apps. What dev worth their salt is gonna pass up the chance to make bank from their hard work at the app store ?
While jailbroken, I installed a few cracked apps for kicks. I quickly felt regret, even though I was doing it to test out apps I was thinking of buying. It's the software equivalent of shoplifting at a mom and pop deli. Some of these devs are right here on these forums. I'm not talking EA, I'm talking 17 year old kids who ride bikes. Uninstalling the cracked apps was more satisfying than installing them in the first place.
I may revisit jailbreaking again, if and when the shelves are a bit more stocked on Installer, with apps that are truly more compelling than what can be found on the App Store.
My 1st gen iPhone was jailbroken for about 9-10 of the 12 months I owned it. I couldn't imagine having a non-jailbroken iPhone. The App Store has played a big part in changing that for me.
Cydia is a little too cold and sterile for me. I prefer a little eye candy...screenshots are nice, like Installer had.
Winterboard seems more like a band-aid for theme hags than a true theming app. No offense to the dev; you are bringing joy to many a die hard theme hag. But there are waaay more apps on the app store than were on Installer...who has the time to make all the icons? Rounded corners and black backgrounds keeps things nice and simple. Sure, some apps' icons are butt ugly, but that's just the way it is.
Installer 4 is like that brand new shiny glass mall in the bad part of town. A few shoppers may come out of curiousity, but I wonder if it won't just stay pretty much empty. After all, the developers of the apps that the average Joe wanted have already flocked to the app store. Beyond a decent theming app, SSH and maybe some system level notifications, what's left for the average jaibreaker to want? Games and apps. What dev worth their salt is gonna pass up the chance to make bank from their hard work at the app store ?
While jailbroken, I installed a few cracked apps for kicks. I quickly felt regret, even though I was doing it to test out apps I was thinking of buying. It's the software equivalent of shoplifting at a mom and pop deli. Some of these devs are right here on these forums. I'm not talking EA, I'm talking 17 year old kids who ride bikes. Uninstalling the cracked apps was more satisfying than installing them in the first place.
I may revisit jailbreaking again, if and when the shelves are a bit more stocked on Installer, with apps that are truly more compelling than what can be found on the App Store.