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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 7, 2010
I just feel like one is not getting their full iPad experience at home if you're not utilizing the iPad with these awesome pieces of technology!

Anyone else on the same boat as I? I'm telling ya, There's nothing like controlling your tv with your iPad :D
Geez, No one else here knows anything about these 2 great pieces of technology? Mac rumor fellow mates, you are missing out!!

I have a RedEye and was waiting on an iPad (and iPhone) update. Emailed them and got a response on May 6rd saying "...we are working on iPad version of our app which will take advantage of extra screen real estate and few other features..." Since it's been this long (plus no iPhone updates, web site changes or news letters) I suspect they are not going to come through and differently sugest not to buy it.
I have a RedEye and was waiting on an iPad (and iPhone) update. Emailed them and got a response on May 6rd saying "...we are working on iPad version of our app which will take advantage of extra screen real estate and few other features..." Since it's been this long (plus no iPhone updates, web site changes or news letters) I suspect they are not going to come through and differently sugest not to buy it.

Not to buy it? As to what other comparable device that actually has a native iPad app that functions the same as redeye?

I have countless iPhone apps that still haven't made the iPad transition yet.
Although just a native iPhone app for now, it's still awesome controlling whatever you want with your iPad :D

TV Control from the iPhone works well!

GinoDotCom is right, the Redeye is a good product that makes Home Theater viewing more enjoyable, but I find that using my IR Dongle (I use the Re by NewKinetix) is easier and more portable. Yes, you have to plug it into the phone to use it but how hard is that? And the IR Dongles run $50 to $80. The current Redeye system is $188. However they have the mini coming out this weekend for $50 (or at least they promised 'spring' and Sunday is the last day of spring :D ).

I use the Redeye in the Theater Room, but the Re everywhere else in my house. (Also at the airport, the healthclub, and motel rooms). The iPhone was made to be a TV remote ;) Both products also work well on my iPad, but it seems a big to be a remote control.
Wow, the mini red eyes are still not out huh... Well having to carry around another device is not something I'm a big fan of, so I dismissed that idea when making my redeye purchase.

I like that my iPhone/ipad is remote ready to control my home theater as soon as I wake it up from sleep instead of the need to constantly plug in a external device everytime I want to adjust the volume of a loud tv commercial.

Though when you're on the road like a hotel, having that external IR controlled by your iPhone is the logical way to go. Either way, controlling a tv/cable/stereo with your Ipad or iPhone in general still brings me that wow factor :)

I'm just feel like plenty of members here are missing out from these awesome technologies because it's hardly spoken about here in the forums
Am I the only one that's using the iPad for a universal remote? Would love to talk with some people that are utilizing their iPad in a similar manner.

Otherwise, You guys are missing out big time!!
Am I the only one that's using the iPad for a universal remote? Would love to talk with some people that are utilizing their iPad in a similar manner.

Otherwise, You guys are missing out big time!!

I use Rowmote Pro with my iPad to control the Mac Mini in my home theatre set up, and it's great.
Geez, No one else here knows anything about these 2 great pieces of technology? Mac rumor fellow mates, you are missing out!!

I have the Sonos controller on my Ipad and Iphone and both work Great, There are other Remotes too, One for your alarm clock too called Grace Digital Remote so you can set your alarm clock from your Phone Very Cool :D and Boxee remote, for watching Reruns of Network shows and Utube and other streams also.

I do not like IR remotes as i do not want to have to point my remote at what i want to control. Now if they make a RF one i would be interested in one.
Or if My Universal Remote that is RF was able to be networked into so i could control it with my phone that would be something i would like too.
I have a Sonos controller and even through I have the app on my old iphone I tend not to use it. I like the controller. I also tend to just leave Pandora on so it's not like I use it much.
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