Just spoke to my local apple store. Im not sure if i have dust under the glass or a dead pixel so went with dead pixel as sounds worse. None in stock but new one reserved on the next delivery due on thursday
I do love your innocence, unfortunately I've had this problem... and had my changed, 3 times, here's my story:
I went to Montpellier for the launch this friday, and got myself a 64 Gb 3G model, when I got to the car and started playing with it I was very happy, but as I switched it off and whipped the screen with an Apple cloth I got with my iMac, I noticed some kind of micro scratch, shocked, I looked closer and saw that in fact it was a small hair UNDER the screen !
I went back to the Apple Store and they changed it for another one immediately.
Second time, in the car I took the iPad out of the box, and to my horror, it had no short of 6 white pixels (on the switched off display). Not even bothering syncing, I went back again, and had it changed for a second time.
This time, I got the iPad out of the box in the shop, and again... there seemed to be some kind of white pixel mass on the display, it's a very strange object, it looks like a fibre but it's very white, almost as if it was white pixels.
At this point the manager apologized and started to put it away telling me he couldn't sell me an iPad today, because of the 2 per person limit, which he'd already made an exception by giving me the third iPad.
Annoyed I asked him what this was on the screen and he said it may just be "white pixel" I think he said, and told me it should go away after a while of using the screen thanks to the electro charges etc...
Not wanting to go home empty handed, I took this one and hoped the screen would clear up.
but today I noticed another single white pixel somewhere else on the screen, and even worse, what seems like two very thin fibers under the screen again, I am very upset but also worried other may have similar problems, what can I do ?
Now I know they're there, I can't stop looking at them.
This is very disappointing, please look at the images attached and give me you're opinion:
First white "cluster" - looks like some kind of fiber, with screen off:
Same, with screen on:
The two hairs under the screen: