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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
On June 24th, I'm going to start a 365 photo project soley using my iPhone (and perhaps start another with my DSLR). Anyone done one here (or are currently doing one)? Any tips? How to stay motivated?


macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2007
Vancouver, BC
Of course, lots of people have done it. Just look on FlickR there are tons. And if you used the search, you would see that lots of people have done it here too. Everyone seems to do try their own little variation.

I tried it once and only lasted two weeks... I found that it was very difficult to stay motivated because I do not travel anywhere. For people on the road all the time visiting interesting places it's probably a lot easier.

Some would argue the point is to get out more and try new things, but realistically not many people can do that. :(

spice weasel

macrumors 65816
Jul 25, 2003
I tried doing a 365 project several years ago. I made it through a bit over three months before I gave up. For me, it started to feel too forced. When I shoot, I shoot a lot. When I don't, I don't. I didn't like the self-imposed pressure to have to take an interesting photo every day. I have lots of hobbies and activities, and there were days when I simply wanted to do other things.



macrumors Core
Jul 24, 2006
The Ivory Tower (I'm not coming down)
Anyone done one here (or are currently doing one)? (see his signature)

Any tips? How to stay motivated?

...all of which can be found in the search results.

Ummm, yes, I'm aware of Google search and yes, I used it. But that wasn't my question.

Did you? Because it doesn't seem like you dug very far.


macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2009
375th St. Y

I have kicked the idea around, but like spice weasel said, I am very on/off. Sometimes I will go 3 weeks without taking any pictures, and sometimes I can't let go of my camera for a month.

Seeing as to how I am currently in the not-letting-go of my camera stage, I am going to start a 182.5 project today. Thanks for the motivation :p


macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2009
Burlington, Ontario
Funny you brought up this topic. I just started my own photo-a-day project. I think it will be a real challenge to take one photo everyday, but I think I can do it. Hoping, anyway. You can find mine on my website. If you do start it, post a link, so we can check it out! I just started, so I'm still motivated lol. But I think it's just getting into the routine of doing it, like going to the gym or eating right. Letting people know you're doing it is a good start, as they can get on your case if you haven't taken one on a day or something.

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