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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
May 1, 2005
I'm taking a medium/ large format b&w photo class and we're using Holgas first.

I feel like an idiot, I'll blame my stupidity on sleep deprivation, but I straight spooled the film all the way to the end. :eek: How can I go about 'unspooling' it? I don't have access to a darkroom or light tight bag for awhile.


Yes, I realize that this is the digital photography forum, but I was advised that I might get more help in here vs. the community forum.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
I'm not sure you can. By design, when you finish a roll of film in the Holga, you take it out and use that new spool for your finished film.

Pay attention to the back of the film. It'll tell you which photo you're on.

Edit: There might be a way to salvage it. Is there any film left on the original spool to use? Find a room that has no windows, put a towel under the door, and try to pull it back onto that roll. Another idea is to take that fully spooled roll and shoot the film in reverse. I've never tried this and don't know if it'd work, but it's worth a shot?


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
May 1, 2005
Pay attention to the back of the film. It'll tell you which photo you're on.
Er. :eek: I was watching the numbers go by. But my brain was fuzzy w/ the details the teacher said since we also went over loading film into the Mamiya and the Hasselblad.

Find a room that has no windows, put a towel under the door, and try to pull it back onto that roll. Another idea is to take that fully spooled roll and shoot the film in reverse. I've never tried this and don't know if it'd work, but it's worth a shot?
Darn. No such room. But I guess I'll give it a try. It's the first roll of film I've attempted to load-- no shots used yet. :eek:


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
I feel like an idiot, I'll blame my stupidity on sleep deprivation, but I straight spooled the film all the way to the end. :eek: How can I go about 'unspooling' it? I don't have access to a darkroom or light tight bag for awhile.

Is this your first time playing with one of these? You're okay, with box-style cameras, you're supposed to let it go all the way over to the take-up spool. The spool the film came on will become your new take-up for the next roll.

Finish winding if you haven't already, then in a darkish room (any old room, turn out the lights in the bathroom if you need to), and pop out the full roll. The end should have sticky paper kind of like a stamp, you wet that and stick it down to keep the reel from unwinding. If you're worried about light leaks, and inside jacket pocket would do in a pinch, even roll it up in tin foil.
Darn. No such room. But I guess I'll give it a try. It's the first roll of film I've attempted to load-- no shots used yet. :eek:
Oh yuck, you didn't have any pictures taken yet? :eek: Yeah, you can try flipping the whole mess to wind it back, but you shouldn't do that :D


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
May 1, 2005
The end should have sticky paper kind of like a stamp, you wet that and stick it down to keep the reel from unwinding.
Sorry not explaining myself well...

I was trying to load a totally new roll of film. And spooled it all the way to the end. I haven't exposed any of it yet (at least, not purposefully). The only plus side is that I definitely know how to deal w/ the roll once I've exposed it all. :p

:late edit: Okay. That did not work. Not familiar enough w/ this film (duh, seeing as it's my first time handling it) and so I totally botched up that roll. Ah well. $5 gone. :eek:

Thanks for the pointers, anyhow.


macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2004

Holgas are awesome! But they do take alot of time to get it right, actually you never get everything right with a Holga because they are so unpredictible. That is why they are so good, you never know what to expect. Make sure you tape up the back cover so it doesn't pop off! Or use rubber bands. When you get your first roll back don't be suprised to see alot of wasted shots(if you are experimenting with the Bulb mode) and alot of shots that are just magical! Also check out Flickr for at least 10 Holga groups. Have fun Enjoy!

Here are two examples of Holga magic....


  • 336691587_c6c3e9e446.jpg
    174.6 KB · Views: 97
  • 218506581_46473b2ad3.jpg
    220.6 KB · Views: 75


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Holgas are the best thing ever. However, you can fix your problem by waiting until dark and going into your closet and fixing the film. Trust me, as a film user I've spent many a day in the closet. (yes that is one line I'm sure half of you will giggle at. ;) )


macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2004
Holgas are the best thing ever. However, you can fix your problem by waiting until dark and going into your closet and fixing the film. Trust me, as a film user I've spent many a day in the closet. (yes that is one line I'm sure half of you will giggle at. ;) )

no comment needed.....


macrumors Core
Jun 16, 2004
You could just take the film out and reload it!
You'll lose a frame or two.
When winding on just count 34 clicks of the winding knob.


macrumors Core
Jun 16, 2004
Psst. Read my edit in my OP. :eek: I did try to take it out, unroll and reload it. I totally botched it. *shrug*

I meant take the roll from the right hand side and load it back into the left side without unrolling it all and rolling it by hand


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
May 1, 2005
I meant take the roll from the right hand side and load it back into the left side without unrolling it all and rolling it by hand
It was too loose. :eek: And I, too uncoordinated. I did try that at first, though. Hee. It's okay, $5 lesson isn't too bad. :D


macrumors Core
Jun 16, 2004
It was too loose. :eek: And I, too uncoordinated. I did try that at first, though. Hee. It's okay, $5 lesson isn't too bad. :D

Ah, OK.

Holgas are great!!
I love mine.

Putting 35mm film in is cool too, you expose the area of the film the sprocket holes are.


May 24, 2003
Obviously you're not a golfer.
this site is worth a look:

you should also google for "holga hacks" to find a bunch of random stuff you can do including pinhole, timers, bulb, etc..

i do a lot of photography with a holga (actually with 3 holgas) and the best rule is there are no rules. i would also suggest getting negatives developed (if you are not doing them yourself) "uncut" so you can scan in the compositions you want as opposed to the frames on the film. Buying a darkbag is a VERY good investment since it opens up a lot of opportunities for backwinding films, etc.. as well as unloading film in a field in the middle of the day to put another roll in.


macrumors Core
Jun 16, 2004
this site is worth a look:

you should also google for "holga hacks" to find a bunch of random stuff you can do including pinhole, timers, bulb, etc..

i do a lot of photography with a holga (actually with 3 holgas) and the best rule is there are no rules. i would also suggest getting negatives developed (if you are not doing them yourself) "uncut" so you can scan in the compositions you want as opposed to the frames on the film. Buying a darkbag is a VERY good investment since it opens up a lot of opportunities for backwinding films, etc.. as well as unloading film in a field in the middle of the day to put another roll in.

You've beaten me to it. I was juast about to post a link to the Lomographic Society. It's a really good website.
I have a Fisheye camera that's my latest toy!!


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2003
Places to Buy?

Can anyone direct me to a reputable place to purchase a good robust starter set for the Holga? The Lomography place is on backorder.


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2003
Thanks for the link to the BH Photo site, I got a pretty good deal. I wish, however, I had searched some more than I did on the site. They had the exact duplicate of the Lomography starter kit for 59.00 and I didnt see it. Ended up buying the 120CFN w/ 2 rolls of film for ~50.00.

Now Im on the hunt for a film supplier so I dont have to spend shipping, closest place I have found so far is 80 miles away. Luckily I have friends in college there who can ferry the film to me.

Does anyone know if Walmart can develop the negatives? Id rather do my own retouch/prints via a negative scanner and Aperture.


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2003
I got my local walmart photo lab to order the developing canisters so he can do it right in the store. He has lots of experience developing 120 so I have faith he can do it well.
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