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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 14, 2005
I know this topic is old now. But I saw the nexus 7 in person for first time yesterday. TBH it looked superb and the value for money was obviously there. However I'm also drawn heavily in the iOS ecosystem. Did anyone else get one?

I think I personally will try and wait for the smaller iPad, I am convinced now the smaller form factor does have a future.

edit: mods feel free to move this to the correct forum.
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macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2008
Atlanta, GA
As an avid Android user, I heavily considered the Nexus 7. But then I got to extensively toy around with an iPad 2 and decided that I'll probably be getting the new iPad instead. My primary reason is because the iPad has far more tablet specific apps. I have never had much of a problem finding anything in the Play Store for any of my android phones, but I don't really think I'm down with having an Android tablet that's essentially a larger version of my current phone. Similarly, I don't think I'd enjoy owning both an iPhone and an iPad together either.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 14, 2005
As an avid Android user, I heavily considered the Nexus 7. But then I got to extensively toy around with an iPad 2 and decided that I'll probably be getting the new iPad instead. My primary reason is because the iPad has far more tablet specific apps. I have never had much of a problem finding anything in the Play Store for any of my android phones, but I don't really think I'm down with having an Android tablet that's essentially a larger version of my current phone. Similarly, I don't think I'd enjoy owning both an iPhone and an iPad together either.

That is an interesting way of looking at it. The advantage about owning both is the eco system. However the advantage of keeping things separate I'm guessing is it keeps your OS bias in check. I respect people who can own multiple devices from different vendors. There is too much lock in these days.


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2008
Atlanta, GA
That is an interesting way of looking at it. The advantage about owning both is the eco system. However the advantage of keeping things separate I'm guessing is it keeps your OS bias in check. I respect people who can own multiple devices from different vendors. There is too much lock in these days.

Thanks! And it certainly does keep my OS bias in check. And you're also right about the eco system. I'm invested mostly in the Google ecosystem, but I have dabbled in the Apple eco system as well since I own Apple products. While it is an advantage to stick to a certain ecosystem across the board, I personally feel there's very little variety to that approach. I prefer the best of both worlds, and it has helped keep me grounded in the face of fanboys on both sides of the coin.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 28, 2011
The Nexus 7 is a value proposition, and it does the normal Joe Schmoe things well enough.

Otherwise, having any sort of professional support or useage is out of the question due to Android's lack of good tablet Apps.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2006
I have been going back and forth on what to get. I am leaning in favor for a N7. I have a android phone already so I like the idea of my stuff playing well together. Plus its a good bang for the buck for me. I am stay at home mom and don't bring in any income so the price point for what you get seems good. I also really do just like jelly bean. I will be buying a keyboard for either one I get.


macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2007
I have a Nexus 7 and a retina iPad. The Nexus is a great device at an amazing price. I mostly use it for basic tasks like browsing and what not. It's MUCH smaller than the iPad which makes it extremely convenient in certain situations.

I have to agree about apps though. It's just not as good as iOS in quantity or quality. I've gone through most of my complimentary $25 in Google bucks and haven't found many stand-out app experiences. There is a greater tendency towards free apps though, if that's your thing.

Also just want to add that my device is 100% perfect as far as defects. You're more likely to get a good one than a bad one, don't let that scare you. Classic internet theory (see every Apple release on this very forum): The minority with defects are the most visible and loud about it. The people without defects aren't parading around talking about it.


macrumors 68020
May 31, 2010
Austin TX
I have a Nexus 7 and a retina iPad. The Nexus is a great device at an amazing price. I mostly use it for basic tasks like browsing and what not. It's MUCH smaller than the iPad which makes it extremely convenient in certain situations.

I have to agree about apps though. It's just not as good as iOS in quantity or quality. I've gone through most of my complimentary $25 in Google bucks and haven't found many stand-out app experiences. There is a greater tendency towards free apps though, if that's your thing.

Also just want to add that my device is 100% perfect as far as defects. You're more likely to get a good one than a bad one, don't let that scare you. Classic internet theory (see every Apple release on this very forum): The minority with defects are the most visible and loud about it. The people without defects aren't parading around talking about it.

that part made me lol

good post, i have an iphone 4s and new ipad, and have been thinking about getting a 7 to play around with/ let the wiffey use it for reading.


macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2012
Gunshine state
Got one for my girlfriend she loves it.I have the new iPad 4G but would not mind throwing one in my bag but I don't think they would get alone might be a fight in my bag :D


macrumors 6502
Jun 16, 2008
I don't own one but my roommate has one an it's pretty great. Works very well, no lag frm what I could tell. If I was a heavier traveler, I'd probably use one instead of h iPad. I love my iPad but the size of he nexus is good and is why I'm not surprised at all about the mini rumors.

My roommates is flawless and doesn't have any of the problems mentioned above. Seems to be uncommon as is usually the case.


macrumors member
Aug 28, 2012
With Nexus One's 3.7" AMOLED display, your videos, apps, and photos are larger, clearer, and sharper."


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
That is an interesting way of looking at it. The advantage about owning both is the eco system. However the advantage of keeping things separate I'm guessing is it keeps your OS bias in check. I respect people who can own multiple devices from different vendors. There is too much lock in these days.

Thanks! And it certainly does keep my OS bias in check. I prefer the best of both worlds, and it has helped keep me grounded in the face of fanboys on both sides of the coin.

I'm sorry but these are 2 of the most ridiculous things I've read on thes forums in a while. If someone is buying a product simply to avoid bias or to stay grounded in the face of fanboys, you have entirely too much time and money on your hands and probably need to invest more time in the real world. Go serve at a soup kitchen or tutor some underprivaledged kids or something.


macrumors 6502
May 18, 2011
corner starbucks
yep got one, really like the form factor and jellybean runs really smooth compared to gingerbread/ics. the only thing i don't like about android is the disparity in the app store and what apps cross devices (i hate it when it comes back and says your device isn't supported...never see that on apples store)
other than that the 7 itself is a nice unit, mine was a good build with no issues, it's screen is quick and responsive but i miss gestures, i always find myself trying to swipe back or the 5 finger


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I'm sorry but these are 2 of the most ridiculous things I've read on thes forums in a while. If someone is buying a product simply to avoid bias or to stay grounded in the face of fanboys, you have entirely too much time and money on your hands and probably need to invest more time in the real world. Go serve at a soup kitchen or tutor some underprivaledged kids or something.

You took it way out of context. What I mean is that there are those who lean extremely one way and only buy products made by Company X, and then there are those that do the same for Company Y. With no in between. And the fanboys of those products are extremely loud and vocal in defending their products. I am not one of those people. I buy what's best for me, and if that involves the co-mingling of products between feuding companies, such as Apple and Google, so be it. This also allows me to advise others on both products from an unbiased perspective, instead of saying "If you need a tablet you MUST get an iPad" or "You have to get an Xbox 360, why even bother with everything else?" without ever having owned anything else. I don't buy them to avoid bias or stay grounded. But the fact that I do own competing products allows me to speak confidently about the pros and cons of each without coming off as an extreme fanboy. So no, it's not ridiculous, and I certainly don't have enough time or money on my hands. Jus because I'm an informed buyer doesn't mean what we're saying is untrue.


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
You took it way out of context. What I mean is that there are those who lean extremely one way and only buy products made by Company X, and then there are those that do the same for Company Y. With no in between.... Jus[sic] because I'm an informed buyer doesn't mean what we're saying is untrue.

Now, that I completely agree with. I'm all about buying what's best for me and my situation regardless of the brand. The wording that was used, however, just made it sound like money was being spent solely for the purpose of being unbiased.

Glad we got that cleared up. Have a great day.


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Now, that I completely agree with. I'm all about buying what's best for me and my situation regardless of the brand. The wording that was used, however, just made it sound like money was being spent solely for the purpose of being unbiased.

Glad we got that cleared up. Have a great day.

Yes having re-read it, I can see how it might be interpreted differently. Glad we cleared it up too, and you have a great day as well.


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Got one as a toy to fiddle with Android. All-in-all its a great device, although I still much prefer my iPad (3rd gen). I had to return the first one I got because the adhesive had let go and the screen was coming up. The replacement they sent has the same problem but to a lesser degree. I figure for $200 its not going to have the build quality I'm used to so I kept the second one.

I have noticed some screen flickering as well, anyone else see that on their unit? Also where are those supposed premium cases and dock that were supposed to be out? Why is it Apple is a genius with marketing and every other company fails miserably (this stinks of Asus....they'd be a much bigger player if they had some form of structure with their product releases)


macrumors 65816
Mar 13, 2012
I need 64GB+ of storage. As it doesn't offer expandable storage nor large on board storage or cellular ability, it doesn't fit my needs. It does look like an awesome tablet though.

If the iPad Mini comes out with 64GB or higher and a 3G/4G cellular card, I'll replace my current iPad 2 64GB/att with one (but on Verizon).

Though the purchase will wait until it has an untethered jailbreak. I use a lot of console command line apps on my iPad. wget, ruby, and git are huges parts of my productivity with it - then Textastic and WordPress for the GUI side.

Regarding the ecosystem - I have to agree that Android's tablet market is lacking in quality applications. I have many iOS apps (outside the ones I already mentioned) which are extremely well designed. I do own quite a few Android apps for both the phone and tablet form factors as I used many Android devices before switching to the iPhone 4S/iPad 2.

I will buy whatever offers me the best quality apps for my work. Both systems offer the apps, so it comes down to quality/experience on the device. Though I think it sucks that both sides require me to root/JB to get everything I want.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 14, 2005
You took it way out of context. What I mean is that there are those who lean extremely one way and only buy products made by Company X, and then there are those that do the same for Company Y. With no in between. And the fanboys of those products are extremely loud and vocal in defending their products. I am not one of those people. I buy what's best for me, and if that involves the co-mingling of products between feuding companies, such as Apple and Google, so be it. This also allows me to advise others on both products from an unbiased perspective, instead of saying "If you need a tablet you MUST get an iPad" or "You have to get an Xbox 360, why even bother with everything else?" without ever having owned anything else. I don't buy them to avoid bias or stay grounded. But the fact that I do own competing products allows me to speak confidently about the pros and cons of each without coming off as an extreme fanboy. So no, it's not ridiculous, and I certainly don't have enough time or money on my hands. Jus because I'm an informed buyer doesn't mean what we're saying is untrue.

Just to chip in glad that was sorted, what you said is what I meant as well. :) Our posts could of sounded bad in the wrong context. :)


macrumors 65816
Aug 6, 2008
St. Louis
I heard there were some build-quility issues with the N7. Things like the back plastic warping.

This was my response to it as well.

It seemed promising, but the build quality issues have scared me off. Maybe the "Nexux 7 II" or whatever the next one is called will fix the problems.


macrumors regular
Apr 13, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Long time Apple guy here but I bought the N7 just to play with as it was cheap. For the price it can't be touched. Verdict so far is.... wow. I've had the iPad 1, iPad 2 and now iPad 3. I pretty much haven't touched the iPad 3 since I got the N7. The N7 is quite simply doing everything I need it to do and more.

N7 so far has almost all the same apps I was using on my iPad. It also gives me access to the file system, exceptional customization capabilities and Google Now is awesome. Android Jelly Bean 4.1 is a game changer and really well done. The only thing I was kinda worried about was my Zinio magazine app and whether or not I could deal with reading magazines on the smaller screen. After trying a few magazines I've decided that yes I can.

My iPad is now going up for sale. I simply cannot justify keeping such an expensive device any longer when the N7 is easily fulfilling MY needs. Your mileage may vary of course. The iPad seems heavy now in comparison and the N7 is simply easier to use especially when reading in bed. I'm also loving the portability of the N7.

No question the iPad is an excellent and well made device that is the correct choice for lots of folks. The bottom line for me is the iPad is not worth hundreds of dollars more when the N7 does what I need done with a tablet. I wish the N7 had more storage or at least expandable storage but so far not an issue and hey, it was $250 bucks. I accept the arguably minor limitations for the price paid. Cheers!


Moderator emeritus
Mar 7, 2007
I picked up a N7 the other day, and it is quite nice. The performance is awesome, especially considering the low price.
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