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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 3, 2003
Hey Guys,

I know a lot of people will be getting iLife tomorrow. But, I have heard a of few that had overnight shipping, with a 1/14 ship date.

Soooo....Has anyone gotten theirs yet? If so, fill us in. I can't believe I've actually gotten worked up about this release. But, I can't wait for GarageBand! Rock on dudes, rock on.
Originally posted by freddy11
I just checked with fed ex, it still says it is in Oakland. We'll see how good fed ex is if it gets here tomorrow.

Mine says deliver by today at 4:30, but it is 4:40 already. It showed at 8:10 it was on the truck for delivery, then at 10:08 it said, "arrived at fed-ex facility". It has been in town since last night, so I have no idea what is going on. I am still hoping for today.
Fed Ex is pretty swift. I was sick when my iBook was shipped so I was just sitting home rotting... I was disappointed because I saw that it was being shipped from Taiwan and I hadn't opted for 2nd day so I thought I'd be getting it in a week. Well Apple had my laptop backordered so they upgraded me to next day without telling me so I was pretty surprised when my laptop arrived at my doorstep the very next day.

I even double checked Fed Ex's delivery log online thinking maybe Taiwan was a city in Iowa or something, but nope.
Mine shipped yesterday, 2nd day air (so I expect it here tomorrow). But, it started off in PA. Then, it was scanned in Baltimore (where I live), and now it's all the way out in NJ. So as we speak my copy is running away:D.
Originally posted by Counterfit
Mine still ahsn't shipped :mad: Anyone use the edu discount and have it ship?

I used the EDU discount, and it shipped yesterday. It did just show up as shipped today though (not yesterday).
Originally posted by Counterfit
Mine still ahsn't shipped :mad: Anyone use the edu discount and have it ship?

Yes, my order is an edu order. I just called fedex because mine was suppose to be delivered by 4:30/ They said they are running late, but that I will get it tonight. Well see, I am not holding my breath.
NOOOOOOOOO!! I always have problems with fedex, minus my ibook which was delivered perfectly. I guess I am a little too far out, but they always miss my date, ilife tracking
I'll be happy if I get mine within the next month! :( The damn thing isn't even on Apple Korea's online store yet. The crappy thing is that I have all of February off. That's a lot of time to be creative.


<edit: They must have updated their site in the last hour. It's there now...finally. Too bad it's not here, though.>
Originally posted by Squire
I'll be happy if I get mine within the next month! :( The damn thing isn't even on Apple Korea's online store yet. The crappy thing is that I have all of February off. That's a lot of time to be creative.


<edit: They must have updated their site in the last hour. It's there now...finally. Too bad it's not here, though.>

ALL of February off!! Come work for me and I will send you ilife 04!:D
Originally posted by nospleen
ALL of February off!! Come work for me and I will send you ilife 04!:D

Yeah, vacation is definitely the biggest perk of my job. It's pretty hard to beat. I also had all of January off but decided to do optional work. Add all of July, August, half of December, and half of June to the mix and I don't really work very much. ;)

Which is exactly why I want iLife yesterday.

Got mine today! I played around with GarageBand a bit...seems pretty cool. I'm going to Radioshack tomorrow to get an adapter so I can plug my guitar into my Mac.

iDVD looks good...wish I had something worthy of burning to DVD so I could test it. :rolleyes:
Got it today, and I'm not thrilled yet. iPhoto was faster, but I'm not sure it was that much faster.

I only fiddle with iMovie, and haven't tried it yet.

No DVD, so that's out...

Garageband, well, music isn't that big to me, but I thought it'd be neat. Well, it seems my hard drive (TiBook 667) is too slow. Great.

The jury's still out for me.
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