I am getting a Sigma 50mm 1.4/Canon mount. Anyone own this and can tell me about it and your experience? I'm selling my 24-70L and getting it and an iPad 2
. Mainly using it as a portrait lens.
I am getting a Sigma 50mm 1.4/Canon mount. Anyone own this and can tell me about it and your experience? I'm selling my 24-70L and getting it and an iPad 2. Mainly using it as a portrait lens.
Check out photozone.de - the Sigma measures terribly at everything except the very center of the lens. No way would I sell my 24-70 for that.
I actually read a few reviews that it is more sharper at the corners than the center, especially wide open. According to DPReview.com
DPReview said:Central sharpness is impressively high even wide open, however edges and corners are nothing to write home about (not unusual for a fast 50mm prime on full frame). Sharpness improves progressively on stopping down, and the lens produces exceptional results in the centre of the frame from F2.8 through F8 - impressive indeed. However the corners lag behind somewhat, reaching a maximum at about F7.1-F8.
I'm curious why you're getting the Sigma 50mm over the Canon 50mm f/1.4. I haven't researched either very much, so I just wondered why.
I ended up going to another store (my usual store) and the guys said that the sigma was really an overpriced lens with no advantage over the canon. (If not poorer image quality around the edges like mentioned above).
Save the $200 and buy the 1.4 Canon.
Wow. I've never, ever, ever heard anyone say that about these two lenses before.
I actually cant recall seeing ANY canon shooter on Fred Miranda/weddings that shoots a Canon 50 f/1.4? Many of them have actually opted for the Sigma 50 f/1.4 OVER the Canon 50 f/1.2L, even when money is not an object per say.
I have a sigma 50mm 1.4 on a canon 5DmII. I like it, however sometimes the focus is soft so I don't use it as much.
I have this lens and have compared it to the actual Canon lens. At first I liked this lens a lot but when comparing it closely to my my's Canon lens, the Canon is truly sharper. I've found another Sigma to also be sub standard, most commonly with the focus. I'm going to spend a little more next time and avoid Sigma altogether. Just my thoughts based on experience owing some of their lenses.