What do you need to do with the number? Display them to the screen? Run them through another math function?
Sometimes you can get away with shifting the decimal point to the left. It would decrease your accuracy (as digits fall off the right 'end') but the number could be several orders of magnitude away from +inf.
You could also divide the textual display of the number in half or something, and manually connect them together. Huh? 1,234,567,890 could be represented as
12,345 and 67,890, and if the 67,890 number ever goes beyond 99,999, you know to subtract 100,000 from the new number, and increment the 12,345 number by 1 (or whatever). You're expressing a 1e10 number as two 1e5 numbers, which is pretty convenient if your +inf was 1e10.