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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 23, 2004
New Orleans
Ok I have this problem:
I have a Paintshop Pro file that won't open in Photoshop. I need someone to convert it to PS, or a High quallity JPG.

Anyone? Respond to this thread or hit me up on AIM. I'm usually on. DeviateLee
What are you- The police? Can't you offer anymore helpful advise than that?

ANYWAYS: I find it hard to believe there are 786 people on this forum.

[edit: If u want to look at it that way, then yes I am the Police. Are u looking to get banned already?]
Originally posted by TommyLee
What are you- The police?

For all intents and purposes, on this board he is... Capt. Eyelikeart we call him. ;) :D

BTW Sorry, I don't have Painshop Pro...
Ok, well I don't care.

I don't care- so leave me alone. This flaming is WAAAY Off-Topic!

"Paintshop Pro" was the topic, I believe?
Re: Ok, well I don't care.

Originally posted by TommyLee

"Paintshop Pro" was the topic, I believe?

that's fine, and we like to keep things on topic around here. But in the community forum things are a little more relaxed. I'll move this thread to the software discussion forum.

And you need to relax, not take things so personally, and definitely don't lash out at members if they're trying to help. That only causes problems for you.

And for the record, you weren't being flamed :rolleyes:

I have PSP

I have Paint Shop Pro. I have added you to my AIM list so I will contact you when I see you on and see if you still need this done.
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