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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
upgraded itunes and iphone OS yesterday, everything's great except -

i realised my playlists the songs are no longer arranged by track number, even though i have deleted and re-added the playlist into itunes (and shows up properly in itunes), very annoying change. anyone knows how to revert the order in the iphone playlist to the same in itunes? :(:(:(
Me too. Damn annoying!

I have a smart playlist which holds the 50 most recent podcasts I've downloaded.

Since 3.1, it's suddenly containing the 50 earliest downloaded podcasts! Not very useful.

I've deleted/added the playlist with the same results...

Strangely, it displays the correct podcasts in iTunes 9...
hi guys, just a screenshot of what im explaining, just to see if many of you who has upgraded to 3.1 has the same problem:

The Smart Playlists were working fine in 3.0, and now 3.1 they're all broken again! I don't get it.... if it was 3.0 to 4.0 transition, i'd understand some bugs or hiccups... but 3.0 to 3.1 ... i'm so mad.

Recently Played.... Top ###.... Recently added.... none of them work.
BTW, just turn off "Live Updating" on the smart playlists, and that should fix some of them. I hate using this workaround...

just remember to enable live updating, sync, then disable it, then sync again. That way you get your recently played counts off your iPhone during the first sync, and sync the disabled, but correctly ordered playlists the second sync.
Having a similar problem with iTunes U. I had to tag all my video lectures as
iTunes U content before sync'ing. If I access the content through the "iTunes U"
folder in the "more" tab they're all messed up. However if I access them through "playlists" they're fine.
My iPod app in my iPhone will play one track all the way through and then just quit and pop me back to the home screen. Any suggestions?

How do I downgrade to 3.0?
This seems identical to the problem I have!

Very, VERY frustrating as all my synced stuff is completely controlled by smart playlists.

And defeats the point of "recently added" smart playlists!

A simple but a solution nonetheless that I've found is to create standalone normal playlists, and then drag everything from the smart playlist into that and it preserves the order.

It's really strange!
A simple but a solution nonetheless that I've found is to create standalone normal playlists, and then drag everything from the smart playlist into that and it preserves the order.
No this does not work if your tracks are podcasts.

I cant beleive Apple does not recognize this problem in any way!

Gha!!! this is frustrating!
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