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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 20, 2005
New Jersey
I'm waiting for my application to be approved, so the thought came to me: is anyone else here a member of iStockphoto? If so, I'm sure many of us here would love to see your submissions. :D If/when I get approved, I'll post my photos here.

Spaceman Spiff

macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2003
Yeah, I'm a member, though I never really got into it. After a few submissions, I just kinda stopped, meant to do more, but never got around to uploading them. Though with all the revision they've been doing, I've thought about uploading a few more and getting a better portfolio on there.

I've only sold one photo. Problem is, all my best photos I'm reluctant to give them to iStock because I don't want them to have any rights for them. So my portfolio is mostly mediocre photos.

Here is my rather tiny portfolio of 7 images.
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