I've done it on a couple of machines. Its not something I would do without an internet connection as a prerequisite. If Boot Camp lets you install just fine follow these directions after you've booted into Windows. Insert your leopard disc, either being a retail copy or the grey boot disc that came with your machine (don't autorun it, just ignore or do nothing)
Open the start menu and type "cmd" and when the option comes up in the menu, right click and choose to run cmd as an administrator.
Type as follows, with bracketed instructions not written
cd "Boot Camp\Drivers\Apple"
[ENTER, and note the use of slash and back-slash]
msiexec /i BootCamp64.msi
And that should install the proper drivers, instead of the 32 bit. This isn't necessary on all mac builds.
Then run Windows update, it should fine the correct drivers that you need.