I just made the switch from Windows to an iMac and I was wondering if there is a way to get Kazaa onto OS X? Do I have to buy Virtual PC? Thanks for whatever help you can provide?
stoid said:We are not technically supposed to talk about such applications on this message board.
Panther has a built-in firewall, which can be enabled in System Preferences. It only filters incoming traffic by default, though. If you want to analyze outgoing traffic, use a program like Little Snitch (an outgoing communication monitor) or BrickHouse (a graphical user interface for configuring the built-in firewall).pmpknetr21 said:Thanks to all of you who replied. Those are good suggestions for P2P apps. Anyways, on a different note...seeing as I just made the switch, I'm still a bit clueless about panther and all that. So...I was told that I don't need a firewall software program to use my iMac since the system has 128-bit encryption. I know it's got the 128-bit, but isn't firewall software still neccesary?
sibelius said:What? Are you serious? Kazaa has to be one of the biggest resource killers on the PC. Everyone who has Kazaa on their PC has (now, or eventually) major issues with their machine. And don't be like some and tell me, "oh, it doesn't affect my machine like that", or feel that just because you're a computer expert you've got the special insight to work with Kazaa in a trouble-free situation. It just doesn't happen.
The spyware alone that Kazaa installs on a machine is enough to make someone puke. Why would you want that hell brought upon the Macintosh community?
dopefiend said:Kazaa lite works perfectly!![]()
torrent is where its at though....
Ummm there is no kazaa for mac, dont worry. Chill!!!! Seems like you got a lot of anger towards p2p and kazaa. And bah, Kazaa sucks, but thats not the only app out there and it is truly p2p. Dude, you only get as much as others are willing to give. but perhaps i might agree with you that there are better applications (and therefore, protocols) out there, like BitTorrent.sibelius said:What? Are you serious? Kazaa has to be one of the biggest resource killers on the PC. (snip)
Maxicek said:I've also heard Drumbeat is good, but you will have to pay about $30 for it.
pmpknetr21 said:So its sounds like limewire is the best, but I assume I can have them all installed and use them all so I guess I'll do that. Anyways, anyone have any other thoughts on good firewall prgrams for the Mac? I'm surprised no one has mentioned Norton? Should I take that as a hint? I had Zone Alarm on my pc, but there isn't one for the mac.