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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 10, 2010
Hello Everyone,

I'm started getting into video editing as a hobby, and long story short I was looking for advice and some people to critique my work honestly and even point out the worst of it.
  • I currently use my iphone 7 plus for filming
  • use the filmic pro app
  • have a cheap tripod
  • use a single Limo Studio lamp with softbox
  • take audio recording with blue yeti mic
  • And do all my editing with iMovie and pixelmator on my 13 inch 2012 macbook pro
This is all just using the items i find that most people would have, meaning a smartphone, a computer, and a simple editing program.

I'm not saying that anything i use is professional grade or that everyone is going to have a similar set up, but just curious to know if the work comes off as well done or even professional.

Other things to mention is that I film in 2048 by 1152 (2k in filmic pro) to have some breathing room for slow panning without losing too much visual quality. I know that i dont have the best lighting, but plan on getting a second softbox light to help with that.
For anyone wondering, I just use pixelmator for simple edits for PNGs to use in the videos and find that a lot can be done with iMovie and pixelmator alone if you don't set your expectations too high.

If you have any questions or have any helpful advice or even recommendations on what to film to get more practice in, it would be appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to checking out the video and leaving feedback. :)


macrumors regular
Apr 5, 2017
South Africa
Hi there,

As a former professional video editor, I found your video needing a few minor pointers to improve your work going forward.

1: The slow pan across, you should only pan if there there is a reason, rather stay in one spot, panning should not be abused, it needs to be used for a reason.

2: I am not sure what at 0:13 into the video what the video is about, it is about the tv or is it a monitor? The display or what is on the screen, the video and the wipes on the screen distract.

3: There is no opening to the video, so no real reference to cue the audience as to what the topic is, that is important, it sets up a level of expectation.

4: From 0:13 to 0:40 you show the apple tv, dark lighting, and hard to see, then you show action on the screen, it is hard to follow what you are talking about.

5: Audio is very important, the quality needs to be strong, that is not how it sounds played natively off a 2013 retina 13inch MacBook pro [yes the onboard audio is a bit tinny]

6: 0:50, you show the apple tv, and it is nigh impossible to see the ports, you need to be way closer to the apple tv, either optical zoom in, or shoot in say 4K, and digitally zoom into the ports, so you can see it.

7: You need to shoot a lot of what the old-timers such as myself call b-roll. This is now called overlay, as it is covers the underlying video, to be used to highlight an aspect.

8: Graphics?? Where???What is this at 1:23?? This yellow graphic, what are you referring to...I am a bit confused...

9: At 2:39, the music..I can understand the need to fill in the audio, be careful about what music you use, and the volume, it is competing a little too much with the voicer track.

10: So far I have not really been able to really follow what you are trying to day, the point is kind of lost in the demo of Apple TV, apart from the brief mention about yahoo...You say more of that later... No.. you make a point, follow up at that point, jumping forward to this point later is going to loose you audience...

Think of walking through your house, you are showing it off to someone, you don't start at the front door, then show the kitchen, mention the wonderful walk in pantry, then show off the bedroom, then go back to the pantry, that would be illogical.

11: 2:55... What is with the phone and the apple tv, what are you trying to say, what you should rather do is in this 5 minute video pick 2 problems, and spend 2:30 on each. that way you can focus...

At this point 2:55 I have grown bored, I cannot follow and I am heading off to video new on youtube..

As a professional video editor, it was my duty to assist the client to decide how best to construct the video, you as the video editor are by default the 1st audience to view the finished work, you have to switch off the producer aspect and think about how this is video is looking...

To be honest this is not a video fit for broadcast, if you are planning a career as a video editor, you need to re-edit this video, invest in something a bit more suitable, say final cut pro x, watch a tutorial or many, think about what I have suggested.

As an example you need roughly 20, 5 second shots per running minute. If you hold a shot too long it becomes boring, help keep the audience interested by changing the shots, introduce new ideas, but keep the focus, rambling on for 5 minutes helps no one, and the message you are trying to broadcast is lost.

The quality of the shots is good, the letdown is the quality of the editing, it needs to be reworked, re-edited, focus on no more than 2 issues, and really thunk hard about those issues, think about how you are going to find many more shots of the same thing, repeat a shot is a sin!!!
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2012
@Msivyparrot brings up some excellent points and if you want to elevate your skills, pay attention to the advice given.

If your editing intentions, however, are to create YouTube tutorials or reviews, I'd say most of your video is fine. In some ways, it's better than most tutorials, and in other ways, you can definitely improve. Aside from the advice given in the thread above, I would also suggest a quicker, more focused pace for your tutorial or review. I do like that you had different angles highlighting your material but I would say the length of the shots could be shortened. Music and graphics are tricky. Maybe not so much for simple YouTube videos but research and take note of some quality videos on YT and learn from those. There was a section at 4:32 where there is a guy (ranting) on screen. Either the audio was grossly out of sync or this random section was confusing at best.

Keep at it and good luck!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 10, 2010
Hi there,

As a former professional video editor, I found your video needing a few minor pointers to improve your work going forward.

1: The slow pan across, you should only pan if there there is a reason, rather stay in one spot, panning should not be abused, it needs to be used for a reason.

2: I am not sure what at 0:13 into the video what the video is about, it is about the tv or is it a monitor? The display or what is on the screen, the video and the wipes on the screen distract.

3: There is no opening to the video, so no real reference to cue the audience as to what the topic is, that is important, it sets up a level of expectation.

4: From 0:13 to 0:40 you show the apple tv, dark lighting, and hard to see, then you show action on the screen, it is hard to follow what you are talking about.

5: Audio is very important, the quality needs to be strong, that is not how it sounds played natively off a 2013 retina 13inch MacBook pro [yes the onboard audio is a bit tinny]

6: 0:50, you show the apple tv, and it is nigh impossible to see the ports, you need to be way closer to the apple tv, either optical zoom in, or shoot in say 4K, and digitally zoom into the ports, so you can see it.

7: You need to shoot a lot of what the old-timers such as myself call b-roll. This is now called overlay, as it is covers the underlying video, to be used to highlight an aspect.

8: Graphics?? Where???What is this at 1:23?? This yellow graphic, what are you referring to...I am a bit confused...

9: At 2:39, the music..I can understand the need to fill in the audio, be careful about what music you use, and the volume, it is competing a little too much with the voicer track.

10: So far I have not really been able to really follow what you are trying to day, the point is kind of lost in the demo of Apple TV, apart from the brief mention about yahoo...You say more of that later... No.. you make a point, follow up at that point, jumping forward to this point later is going to loose you audience...

Think of walking through your house, you are showing it off to someone, you don't start at the front door, then show the kitchen, mention the wonderful walk in pantry, then show off the bedroom, then go back to the pantry, that would be illogical.

11: 2:55... What is with the phone and the apple tv, what are you trying to say, what you should rather do is in this 5 minute video pick 2 problems, and spend 2:30 on each. that way you can focus...

At this point 2:55 I have grown bored, I cannot follow and I am heading off to video new on youtube..

As a professional video editor, it was my duty to assist the client to decide how best to construct the video, you as the video editor are by default the 1st audience to view the finished work, you have to switch off the producer aspect and think about how this is video is looking...

To be honest this is not a video fit for broadcast, if you are planning a career as a video editor, you need to re-edit this video, invest in something a bit more suitable, say final cut pro x, watch a tutorial or many, think about what I have suggested.

As an example you need roughly 20, 5 second shots per running minute. If you hold a shot too long it becomes boring, help keep the audience interested by changing the shots, introduce new ideas, but keep the focus, rambling on for 5 minutes helps no one, and the message you are trying to broadcast is lost.

The quality of the shots is good, the letdown is the quality of the editing, it needs to be reworked, re-edited, focus on no more than 2 issues, and really thunk hard about those issues, think about how you are going to find many more shots of the same thing, repeat a shot is a sin!!!

Thanks for the detailed review of the video. Brand new to this so anything helps. :D

I also noticed you joined the forums today. Welcome :)

1. Not really sure when to use, but thank you for pointing that out.

2. I was under the impression that the Title and thumbnail would provide good cover over what its about, but seeing that someone didn't take it into account makes me believe something more than me "asking if the apple is worth it in 2017" wasnt enough to get the point across. :oops:

3. I will be sure to include openers in upcoming videos as i practice with this hobby.

4. Going in, the lighting is going to be bad since im just in a room with no real bright lighting besides one softbox lamp and only using an iphone to film, so that shows the limitations of the hardware.

5. Not sure what to say about audio, other than, i used a blue yeti mic and garageband for the recording. None of the footage audio was used for this video.

6. Again, more on lighting from just being one lamp, but ill try to invest in more down the line, but I'm sure i can make it work with one lamp if it try to use a different background, since black on black makes finding good exposure a bit difficult.

7. I've been told that by one of my friends going to school for video production that b-roll is vital just in case you need filler. I see that now.

8. As for old-timers, that was a reference to PC gaming since my target audience is more PC/Gamingtech focused. so I assumed this wouldnt be understood by anyone that wasnt into high-end PC gaming, so thats a hit or miss in general.

9. I agree, the audio is something i need to work with much more on. Still new to this so im not expecting my work to be a masterpiece.

10. I dont remember mentioning anything about yahoo. Maybe audio was bad, but youtube was mentioned, but probably bad timing saying youtube, while the selector was on the word yahoo. So bad editing on my part.

11. I think again, the lack of clarity was the problem. But to recap, it was about airplay with the iphone and how it makes up for no youtube app on the apple TV. I thought that was pretty straight forward, but again, I'm starting to realize that the visual aspect is more important that the dialogue.

At 2:55, "As mentioned earlier, there is no native youtube app, but with the help of apple's use of airplay, you can stream any of your youtube content from any of you apple computers or iOS devices." This was said while using airplay in that shot.

This has again, has led me to believe that more visual on screen cues are needed to grab attention.

The most valuable thing i found, is what you said in point 11. The fact that i couldnt grab the attention well enough so the viewer could learn something from the video is where I definitely see where the presentation is what lacks in my production. And no need to say minor, in all honesty, i believe what you stated were actually major when i look back at it and reviewed the video with what you said in mind, but I will also keep in mind what my target audience is as well.

As far as trying to be good for this to be broadcasted. Not at all. I knew that from the get go, and just plan on making tech videos for youtube only and dont ever plan on trying to become a professional video editor. I know the target audience i'm going for, but i really needed to find out if i could hold the attention long enough for each point. One thing I had a hard time trying to do when editing was trying to cut it down clips as much as possible. The original video was about 7 minutes long, and I decided on cutting a lot out, seeing that even most tech oriented people wouldnt see a use for it.

In the original post, I also stated that, this video shows what most people might have at their disposal. Which were, a smartphone, a computer, and a simple editing program. So pretty much a poverty setup.
"I'm not saying that anything i use is professional grade or that everyone is going to have a similar set up, but just curious to know if the work comes off as well done or even professional."

Seeing that you said the quality was good, is a good sign that almost any body can start filming since even the iphone5 is a very capable device from 2012. But editing makes the biggest difference in grabbing attention.

Thank you very much for your input. It is greatly appreciated and I am taking it much into consideration for my next upcoming videos. And just to be clear, this is only a hobby :) No intentions of being the next big director or anything.

@Msivyparrot brings up some excellent points and if you want to elevate your skills, pay attention to the advice given.

If your editing intentions, however, are to create YouTube tutorials or reviews, I'd say most of your video is fine. In some ways, it's better than most tutorials, and in other ways, you can definitely improve. Aside from the advice given in the thread above, I would also suggest a quicker, more focused pace for your tutorial or review. I do like that you had different angles highlighting your material but I would say the length of the shots could be shortened. Music and graphics are tricky. Maybe not so much for simple YouTube videos but research and take note of some quality videos on YT and learn from those. There was a section at 4:32 where there is a guy (ranting) on screen. Either the audio was grossly out of sync or this random section was confusing at best.

Keep at it and good luck!

And thank you for your reply on getting the idea for typically what most people like me were trying to do for a video like this.
And for the ranting guy in the video, i didnt include the audio from any of my shots otherwise you would just be hearing a fan.:p

I will be sure to try and summarize my future videos better, but I do want to try my best to highlight the features of whatever it is I'm talking about, while keeping it straight to the point, but at the same time being detailed enough to reduce the amount questions after.

One thing to note is, most tech youtubers dont really go through the process of editing and just kind of throw in a one take recording and throw it on there. But I watch people like Jonanthan Morrison and LinusTechTips (he has a production crew though), and they go through the work of making it look professional. So thats one of the things i would like to achieve.


macrumors regular
Apr 5, 2017
South Africa
Hi Dylin,

Thank you for reading my reply to your question, even the best filmmakers have to defer to better judgement, Steven Speilberg has admitted that if he had been the editor we would have been subjected to "Silver Turd" instead of Jaws...

When I say broadcast, I don't mean television, broadcast means made public, and youtube is a broadcaster of sorts, it stores video and you select a video, it is thus broadcast! I am old...

Yes, thank you for mentioning Linus TechTips, he has a style, he has worked very very hard on, he has a technique that is very much his brand, along the lines of Casey Niestat, although Casey has gone off the rails, his original videos were much better...

Oooh, a hard time cutting it down... Yeah Jaws ran over 4 hours, that is the problem filmmakers face every day, I spent $1m on this shot, I want every frame of it included.. "If you want to work again, cut it shorter..."

That is the hardest part of being the producer/editor is making the brutal decisions about what gets cut from the video, I wish that Apple had a section on iTunes for behind the scenes of movie making, the old days of DVD, you often got a 2nd dvd with the how things are done, or often a directors audio channel, talking about how...

I found the video
this is powerful stuff...

Why does it have to be a hobby? The cost of entry into video broadcast is impossibly cheap now, 30 years ago, you had to have access to Betacam video camera's, betacam editing suites, which cost hundreds of thousands of Dollars, now a couple of $5 lamps from wallymart, a smartphone/ipad, access to the inter webs, you can be a well respected producer of great content.

The idea is to practice, to start to film more, edit more, for example there is a really great youtube channel, tokidoki traveller
watch her video, she uses a cheap camera, a cheap tripod, no external mic, but watch the her creative, watch her video before she moved to this new apartment..

She is very creative in the shots, omg, the shots of the kettle, just silly things, this youtuber is a great example of making the best of a limited budget, limited time, all her video is creative excellent, no doubt she worked very hard on each one, and for good reason, she has 100 000 subscribers and for someone that does not produce every week, to hold onto that number, can only be done to great content, NOT ruined by BAD editing...

Techmoan, a channel about tech, a very great example of how to edit, how to shoot, how to hold the audience , none of these last you tubers are professionals, just people with an idea and something to say, they are doing well as they tried and tried...

I would love to watch the video again after a couple of re-edits, force yourself to edit to say 3 minutes, you have to judge each shot, think hard about if it is worth it, hell, reshoot, why not... Just don't give up...


macrumors 6502a
Sep 9, 2007
You are using a visual medium. Use less narration ... let the pictures/video tell the story. Use more close-ups.
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