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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 29, 2008
I know backgrounder will kill the battery, but even when I'm not running backgrounder I feel Like the battery is running down faster. Am I just being paranoid or is anyone else having the same experience.
i think it's because Backgrounder is a mobile substrate thing which runs every time, not that backgrounder is running all the time, but that mobile substrate thing is staying active at the background.

i feel the battery drains a bit faster than before JB.
i feel the battery drains a bit faster than before JB.

....which kinda sucks imho. I'm on the fence to jb my iPad but I'm so impressed with its battery life so far that I don't wanna sacrifice that just for the backgrounder thing (well, and sbsettings of course). The way Apple implemented their upcoming multitasking in OS 4 seems so much more sophisticated and energy saving, it might be just worth to wait for it. On the other hand the JB will offer a lot of other benefits in the very near future i think so I'm really kinda stuck inbetween for now.
....which kinda sucks imho. I'm on the fence to jb my iPad but I'm so impressed with its battery life so far that I don't wanna sacrifice that just for the backgrounder thing (well, and sbsettings of course). The way Apple implemented their upcoming multitasking in OS 4 seems so much more sophisticated and energy saving, it might be just worth to wait for it. On the other hand the JB will offer a lot of other benefits in the very near future i think so I'm really kinda stuck inbetween for now.

well, it's a bit, not that drastic. maybe i lost about 1 hour with JB and i'm sure it's worth it because the iPad has amazing battery life. i still can do about 2 days before the need of recharging.
I tested this by jailbreaking yesterday and not installing any Cydia apps whatsoever. Gave it some heavy use today, PvZ, Real Racing, Air Video, word processing, surfing the web, YouTube, 7 hours in, 36%.

I don't think jailbreaking made a difference in battery life. It's just the Jailbreak apps. Don't you remember Steve saying multitasking will kill the battery is not done perfectly right?
I tested this by jailbreaking yesterday and not installing any Cydia apps whatsoever. Gave it some heavy use today, PvZ, Real Racing, Air Video, word processing, surfing the web, YouTube, 7 hours in, 36%.

That sounds pretty encouraging though i wonder what you jb'ed it for if not using any of those cydia apps...mind to enlighten me where i'm missing the point :)?
here is my battery breakdown from today, cause i was worried as well.

0800-0900 moderate internet browsing (checking macrumors and my other favorites) 1hr

1000-1030 ibook and ibook store .5hr

1130-1200 ibook store and light HD video watching .5hr

1200-1230 surfing my favorite sites again .5hr

1230-1330 something installing (backgrounded) while playing pocket legands 1hr

1330-1830 civilizations non-stop 5hr

so about 8.5hrs of heavy usage and gaming. with about 1 hour of downloading and backgrounding.

Not to mention letting cydia load to check for updates about 10 times which is really draining on the battery.
Hmm, that doesn't sound too bad given you played games on it a lot, too which i think drains the battery more than videos or online browsing. I'm still on the fence tho... :cool:
I have all the push services turned off and my battery still drains very fast. what I discovered is that if I turn off 3G and use only Edge the battery lasts forever. That's fine for voice and when I need to download a lot of data I just turn 3G back on. Yesterday I turned it on to read USA today since it downloads data. The battery dropped 5% in a little more than 5 minutes of reading. Switched 3G off and used Edge, read for 10 more minutes and took a short phone call and the battery hadn't dropped a bit.

Something to do with jailbreaking and 3G that is creating a problem with battery life.
I have a 3G-64gig iPad and I still get about 10 - 11 hours of use on it even with 3G, wifi, push and everything else along with a few IM/IRC clients in the background.

The important thing to notice is if your brightness is set up high, that will kill your battery faster than pretty much everything else. I keep mine at 50% or less, with auto-brightness on, and I haven't had any problems with battery life.
Was worried sick about this for the first few days, and started paying attention to hourly battery usage.

Unless you have Backgrounder (which. I don't) and other resource-heavy hacks, your battery should remain unaffected. SBSettings was/is pretty much (removed it for a while in fear it was draining battery, which it wasn't) all I had open all the time, yet I still got a good 9 to 10 hours of battery life per day, sometimes more. ;)

It really depends what you do. Obviously it will drain if you have a lot of junk running at once in the background. Also as has been said, your brightness level is important too. Mine almost never goes above 50%.
I use MyWi every work day from 7am to 4pm at 100% xmit power and about 6 users use it all day. At the same time I stream Pandora and also do the hourly browsing and checking email. I get home and my battery is at 70%.

Pretty freaking good!
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