I'm looking at picking up the refurbed machine, as I could get the Back2School promo but would rather save the extra bucks to snag the Refurb model.
at any rate, what is experience with these as refurbs as they have gotten quite a bit of a uneasy reputation? you completely satisfied with it?
I have picked up refurbed macbooks & macbook pros, ipod touch, nanos, etc and they were all flawless but never had as many acknowledged issues as the iMac in my finding.
I'm going to say theyre alright to pick up refurbed, but thought I'd get an opinion from those who first hand got them.
also, are the refurbs harder to resell say a year or two down the road when perhaps wants to upgraded to the next model?

at any rate, what is experience with these as refurbs as they have gotten quite a bit of a uneasy reputation? you completely satisfied with it?
I have picked up refurbed macbooks & macbook pros, ipod touch, nanos, etc and they were all flawless but never had as many acknowledged issues as the iMac in my finding.
I'm going to say theyre alright to pick up refurbed, but thought I'd get an opinion from those who first hand got them.
also, are the refurbs harder to resell say a year or two down the road when perhaps wants to upgraded to the next model?