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Product: Mac Mini
Last Release: February 28, 2006
Days Since Update: 122 (Average = 138)
Recommendation: Buy only if you need it - Approaching the end of a cycle
Special Notes: none.

Just saying...
I bought one for my family room, and it's hooked up to my TV. Makes movie viewing, occasional mail checks from the couch, and iChatting with family all fun and enjoyable. I have no regrets.

If I'd bought one for use as a primary system, though, I suspect I'd always wish I'd upgraded to a 17" iMac - more power, not all that much more cost, all things considered.
Nope, and it replace my 17'' iMac G5 Rev A. The Mini is quite a bit faster(with 1.25gbs vs the old 1Gb in my G5) and i love it, plus i got 20'' ACD display with it.

If i could i replace it with a 20'' iMac CD, it would keep my Mini. It cost a little more with the ACD but i never play games, and now i have 5USB ports vs my old 3 USB ports.
No regrets at all, I got my duo the first week it was released and I love it. I could have spent more on an imac or portable, but I have yet to find any way the mini doesn't meet my needs.

Great little box, although I agree that there may be speed bumps fairly soon.
Yeah, I'm thinking about waiting a few more weeks till like the end of August. I saw the life cycle thing the other day.

I'll prob just pull the trigger anyways, I don't do much that would require the extra speed bump really. (No super heavy Video editing or anything.)

Thanks folks.
No regrets, but I am awaiting Intel's onboard integrated graphics chip that is rumored to be ATi ZOMFGBBQ *BIG NUMBER HERE*GXXTXLXT killer.
I can't see the current core duo mini getting any major changes when its next updated - probably a bump upto a 1.83ghz core duo? The core solo mini needs to go duo though.
I'm happy with my core duo. At times it can feel a little slow but that's when comparing it to an X2 system with SLI (which now gathers dust in preference of the mini).

The only thing that bugs me is the slow and small hard drive. I went for the stock 80gb with the plan to put my 3 300gb drives into mini-matching cases. Unfortunately I didn't realise at this moment in time there are no SATA mini-matching cases available, which is what I need. D'oh!

My mini's only supposed to be a bit of a stop gap though and I'll probably switch to something else after the big macs come out, depending on what's on offer.
Spanky Deluxe said:
The only thing that bugs me is the slow and small hard drive. I went for the stock 80gb with the plan to put my 3 300gb drives into mini-matching cases. Unfortunately I didn't realise at this moment in time there are no SATA mini-matching cases available, which is what I need. D'oh!

Well, you could always do this to get some external SATA drives:
Although I don't own an Intel mini, I did buy a Rev A G4 mini. I've never regretted it. It's an absolutely wonderful machine (for everything except games). Knowing how fast the Intel chips are compared with the G4s (and assuming that the Intel 950 is actually faster than the Radeon 9200), you wouldn't regret getting one.
poppe said:
1. If you hook a mini up to a TV (just a regular Red White and Yellow) will it become distorted or anything?

It doesn't matter if you use a Mini or PB or MBP or MB or even a PeeCee, the results of a computer projection on a plain old TV is going to be extremely crap.

Crap as in, you probably can't read emails off it.
No regrets

I bought a Mac Mini Due with 1GB RAM in April.

I had all of the other accessories from an old PC (and am using them without any problems - except for the printer which took me a few days to configure as Apples do not support all peripherals).

I was initially going to go for a MBP but with all of the heat and whine... it was just too much of a risk.

All in all I'm about as pleased as a pig in s. (that's a good thing...:D )

Now I have to fight with my girlfriend for use of the mini, I find myself relegated to her msft laptop (which is now connected to the internet via Airport Express)!

As I have not yet made the jump to parallels or bootcamp (and did not wish to purchase yet another copy of Office), I still rely on a PC for some of my work.
I got the base G4 mini with the airport/bluetooth upgrade, and not only don't I have any regrets, but my original OS X insallation is still working over a year later, even after moving it to a new hard drive, and I'm not even thinking about upgrading to a core chip because I'm still so happy with the G4 inside it.

Sorry about the run on sentance.
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