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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 13, 2007
Yorba Linda, CA
I was wondering if anyone out there has had to return there previously jailbroken 2.2 3G iPhone and what their experiance was. Thanks.
Well, if they were stupid enough not to restore, Apple would deny service and void the warrantee.

Restoring to normal before return would have them treat it exactly the same as any iPhone.

noooo that is not the case at all. i went straight from 2.1 jailbroken to the update 2.2 and so did my girlfriend an were fine
noooo that is not the case at all. i went straight from 2.1 jailbroken to the update 2.2 and so did my girlfriend an were fine

So did you or your girlfriend have a 2.2 jailbroken 3G do a restore and then return your phone to apple with no problems? I have to return my phone to apple so I was looking for someone who had already done it and didn't have any problems.
Just restore you iPhone using the iTunes Restore. It doesn't matter what firmware version you are restoring to just so as it is stock.

I'm not sure why you are returning it but as long as you restore it first, you should be fine.
i had to return my 3G phone a couple days after i got it. im the type of person that likes to see how things work. at the time i still had my 2G iphone and had just bought the 3G, well i wanted to take apart my 2G to custom paint it but couldnt do it. so i attempted wit the 3G. after taking it apart n royally screwin it up it was stuck in the boot screen n kept rebooting itself. luckily i kept the apple logo so you couldnt tell it was jailbroken, the only thing was the sticker on the inside of the phone was ripped off n was obviously taken apart.
well i figured screw it n took it to the apple store n told em it froze after trying to sync from itunes. they took it to the back room to take a look. got to say, it was the longest 20 minutes ever n i was sweating like crazy. i was waiting for them to come out n laugh n say are you retarded bringing this to us. well there were like 10 guys lookin at it n after forever they eventually said we cant figure out whats wrong, heres a new one.
so all in all it worked out, but i bout had a heart attack during the wait. never doin that again, theres my story
I'm on my fifth iPhone 3G (long story, usually dust under the screen) ...

Three of the four iPhones I took in to the Apple Store were jailbroken. I made no effort to hide the Cydia icon, etc - I just disabled any custom themes I had installed. No problem.

I've had to return my iPod twice (again, dust under the screen) and I never bothered restoring it, either. :cool:

I mean, seriously - what's the worst they can do? Deny service? Great. If they did that, I'd just go downstairs, connect the iPhone to one of the iMacs they've got on display, and restore it. Voila! No more jailbreak. :rolleyes:
I thought I should respond to this. Last night I was switching my phone to vibrate and snapped off the switch. I was extremely pissed. I only had the iphone 3G for a month.

It was jailbroken.

I restored it through itunes this morning and went to the Apple store and they looked it over and gave me a replacement phone, no questions asked.

Just my 2 cents :D
If you jailbroke to 2.2 while keeping the baseband upgrade as well then had to do a restore to give to apple, your fine. Now if you jailbroke while keeping the 2.0 baseband and restored, your screwed. update again with 2.2 direct from apple, then your ok ;)

Im pretty sure when they get these phones back they check simple stuff like that or any signs of previous jailbreak (custom AT&T symbols, numeric battery, etc)
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