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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
Just wondering if anyone has tried this app. I thought it was pretty cool and am using it right now.

It basically sends a preview of an email in any app you're currently using, and if you touch the screen it will automatically open up the mail app.

It's pretty neat, I found it on the rockyourphone site. It was only .99

Any thoughts or reviews?

It's not available in Cydia; it's a rockyourphone app. They have a couple apps I'd be interested in if I didn't have to install another app installer to get them.
It's not available in Cydia; it's a rockyourphone app. They have a couple apps I'd be interested in if I didn't have to install another app installer to get them.

Well it's not so bad, i just hide the rockyourphone installer inside the dock via SBSettings.....poof, gone!
I have the elert and the tlert from the rockyouriphone... I love those two apps and highly recommend them. The elert is very stable but I noticed the tlert to freeze when the alert is popping up on a lock screen and it won't let you text using the tlert app. Most of the time though I love how both apps let you continue with your task without having to jump to a different app. I recommend the tlert and the elert apps highly.

The rockyouriphone is pretty cool apps store since you can try all of the apps or 9 days. So that's how I decided to put down the $6 for the two apps.
The only thing i don't like about elert is the fact that when you shut the mail doesn't close it normally, it looks like it almost force closes it.

I don't like the look of that.
I'm a heavy texter and I love tlert. As mentioned above, it does tend to freeze on the lockscreen from time to time but I find that if I just hold the wake/sleep button briefly it unfreezes. In the pAt I used to do a respring, which was annoying!
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