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Small White Car

macrumors G4
Original poster
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
In Aperture, my photos are ordered chronologically in their albums.

When I sync those albums to my iPhone the photos order themselves randomly (as near as I can tell, anyway). I can't find any way to change this.

What gives? iPhoto syncs albums so they are in the same order on both the computer and the phone. Why is Aperture different? Is there some setting I'm missing? I can determine NO logic to the order in which they appear. It really does seem random.

This is such a stupid little thing. I'd hate to have to ditch Aperture and go back to iPhoto over this one little thing, but if I can't find a solution I'll have to!


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2008
Interesting. Never noticed it, but now that I looked, mine has the same problem. Report it to Apple; they can probably easily fix it.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Original poster
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
Interesting. Never noticed it, but now that I looked, mine has the same problem. Report it to Apple; they can probably easily fix it.

I did, but I was really hoping that the upgrade to version 3 would have taken care of it.

I tried the Aperture 2 trial but ended up going back to iPhoto over a couple of small reasons. I've been trying version 3 now and they fixed everything else I cared about except this one thing!

I had considered it a bug before, but I'm starting to think they designed it this way. I just wish I knew what it was doing...

EDIT: I've found what it is. If you sort Aperture's album by "Version Name" that matches the phone. So THAT's what's the phone is getting. That's still strange and useless, but at least I know the logic behind it now.

Still...what a weird one to pick as the way to do it. I don't get it.


macrumors newbie
Jun 27, 2010

Could you explain "sort albums by version name"? I can't find such a thing in Aperture 3...



macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2009
My are in the same order on Mac and the iphone. The only different was the brand camera pictures . I only sync the Album only not the project from Aperture 3.0.3.


macrumors newbie
Jun 27, 2010
OK, I found a solution :
synchronized albums have to be sorted in "manual" mode.
It means that I just have to change the order on one photo in albums, resychronizing albums via iTunes and everything is displayed in chronological order.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Original poster
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
OK, I found a solution :
synchronized albums have to be sorted in "manual" mode.
It means that I just have to change the order on one photo in albums, resychronizing albums via iTunes and everything is displayed in chronological order.

Ok, it's been awhile, but THANK YOU!!

This is it! You can sort any way you want, then just drag 1 photo left and then back right and it goes to 'manual' mode which iTunes obeys when syncing.

This is a fantastic workaround. Thanks!
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