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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 21, 2008
I'm looking to get a macbook pro and i already have hp's w2207h monitor. Does anyone know how well the two work together? i've heard a bit about calibration difficulties and having to keep the laptop closed thus needing an external keyboard with some monitors so those are my two main concerns. any advice is greatly appreciated thanks!
shouldn't be a big problem

first and foremost...

macbook pro? great machine - congrats (if you get one!)

onto the w2207h

the w2207h only has HDMI and VGA inputs. I would highly recommend HDMI (digital) over VGA (analog) for best picture quality. A lot of the higher end HP laptops have an HDMI output, but the macbook pro does not - not a problem though!

You just need to get an HDMI/DVI cable like this one:

connect the DVI end to your macbook pro and the HDMI into the monitor.
(I've bought that exact cable myself - great build quality).

To operate the macbook pro with the lid closed, yes you do need an external keyboard/mouse solution (wired or bluetooth, doesn't matter).

The macbook pro will automatically use the connected external LCD (your w2207h) once it detects an external keyboard that's been activated (by plugging in via USB or turning on bluetooth). You can then use apple's built-in screen calibration tool to calibrate the display (this part is subjective, so just adjust to your liking).

A macbook pro / HP 22" w2207H combo should make quite the computing powerhouse. If you get it up and running, I doubt you'll be left feeling dissatisfied :p

God bless & good luck!
wow! sounds good! thanks so much guys. im going to go get my macbook pro worry free.
wow! sounds good! thanks so much guys. im going to go get my macbook pro worry free.

I had the HDMI version for about 5 days until the Mac Pro refused to show a signal to it after working fine for almost a week.

DVI monitors worked fine, the HP worked fine (hooked up to my DVD player through HDMI)... but the Mac Pro just all of a sudden refused on either port to initialize that darn thing.

It got returned.

Better luck for you!
pivot feature works on my hdmi version. not sure if you wanted to know specifically about the non-hdmi version though.
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