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Original poster
Dec 29, 2007
Lightzone is part of the new Mac bundle. Has anyone used Lightzone? Nice tools, but is there anything there that couldn't just be done in Ap or LR?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2003
I downloaded the trial from the web site to try it... It's OK I guess. Certainly not worth its regular price of $149 (equal in price to Aperture). Is it worth the $49 MU price? Maybe.. The main thing I figured is that it doesn't do anything that Aperture can't. It's got a dozen or so adjustment presets to automatically enhance photos but you can replicate those in Aperture easily enough. I guess I've already spent too much time learning Aperture that I don't want to start over with a new system ;)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
It's OK. I bought the bundle, and this was one of the apps I wanted. I didn't have time to try the trial version though, but I just spent 10 minutes mucking around with it. It's good for selective editing because the app is faster than others, but otherwise, it's just OK. I don't know how well it handles RAW demosaicing or anything of the sort. However, if I don't need selective editing, or better cloning capabilities, I'm going to stick with what Lightroom allows me to do.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I actually liked Lightzone but last I checked it wouldn't read my d300 RAW files. I have since incorporated Raw Photo Processor into my workflow along side Aperture.


macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2003
I got the MacUpdate bundle partially in the hopes of getting this app. I am quite the novice at it right now, but I've used it to relight a couple of images that were underexposed, and adjust the saturation on this one sunset pic I have. I'm not sure if Lightzone can do more than Aperture or Light room, but those apps are priced well out of my budget!

I should note too that I've been shooting in JPEG :eek: and I've been very pleased with the results with the edits on a compressed format.
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