I am looking for opinions on the pdf file transfer/reader program annotater. Looks like it just came out and has some nice early reviews (from people who have actually used it!). I'm trying to find out how good of a pdf reader it is. I have been using file magnet which is great for transferring files but, with its lack of landscape support, is not a particularly good document viewer. Any early adopters?
I've just started using Annotater. I haven't done more than fiddling around with it so far, but here's my rundown:
+Opens PDFs of any size (limited by iPhone memory, I assume)
+Display in either portrait or landscape view
+Lets you put text (typed) and pen (drawn) comments anywhere on the document
+Lets you search PDFs
-Only opens PDFs
-Requires your Mac to be running a synchronization program (AnnotaterService)
-AnnotaterService must index files before they can be transferred. This can take a long time with large files
-Sync hangs if your iPhone goes to standby (have to keep touching the screen while it's syncing if it's going to take more than a minute)
-Requires that your iPhone and Mac be on the same local network (can't sync over EDGE/3G)
+Sync is pretty fast. Only limited by wifi speed, as far as I can tell
Overall, pretty nice. The problems really only occur with syncing, and they're not insurmountable. I'd say it's worth the $5 price tag.