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Administrator emeritus
Feb 5, 2004
New Zealand
You can bypass Terminal altogether:

do shell script "cp ~/Documents/Stuff/.VolumeIcon.icns /volumes/\"Back Up\"/"
do shell script "killall Finder"


macrumors regular
Aug 7, 2005
AppleScript is not even close to coding. Its really not bad and uses mostly english. Its hard to get used to it at all.
It's actually not so bad once you get used to it. I'm in the process of adding scripting to my Cocoa app and obviously I had to learn AppleScript first.

But it's easy for me as a prior programmer. I do remember trying to learn it many years ago before I had even heard of C and it's lack of structure was really infuriating.

It's great for making small apps though if you don't want to go through the trouble of creating a whole Cocoa app.

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