I don't know the first thing about coding/compiling/anything involving the comand line but ftp and telnet.
But I found what looks to be an awesome game, Ice Breaker, which is an evolution of the old Windows game Jezzball.
It was originally written in Linux, but according to the author, porting it to OS X would be a snap:
Anyway, I can't contribute much intellectually, but if someone who knows what they're doing would try their hand at it, I'd be willing to peruse their wishlist.
And you'd be a hero, as this looks to be one kick-arse game!
It was originally written in Linux, but according to the author, porting it to OS X would be a snap:
Anyone want to make a MacOS version? SDL and SDL_mixer, the required libraries, work on both OS X and earlier versions, so it should be quite easy to port. I'd love to have a compiled version to distribute here.
Anyway, I can't contribute much intellectually, but if someone who knows what they're doing would try their hand at it, I'd be willing to peruse their wishlist.